Education for Sustainability
Mahidol Sustainable University
Education for Sustainability
Research and Innovation
for Sustainability
Mahidol Sustainable University
Research and Innovation <br> for Sustainability
Operations for Sustainability
Mahidol Sustainable University
Operations for Sustainability
The SDGs declare the world’s determination “to end poverty and hunger, in all their forms and dimensions, and to ensure that all human beings can fulfil their potential in dignity and equality and in a healthy environment.” Despite some signs of hope, it’s clear we need to do better – especially as we face complex challenges like conflict and climate change that directly impact the dignity and well-being of humankind.
1 Jul. 2565
Ramathibodi Home Chemotherapy Model (RHCM)
Ramathibodi Home Chemotherapy Model increases the effectiveness of treatment, reduces costs, improves the quality of life for patients, as well as improves Thailand’’s cancer care system for people’’s health sustainability
22 Aug. 2565
H.R.H. Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn’s Mobile Dental Service Center
Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn has been concerned about the oral health of the people as she has aimed to develop the quality of life of the people living in rural areas, particularly of children and adolescents. To fulfill this purpose, H.R.H. Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn’s Mobile Dental Service Center was initiated. The royal office has established a committee for the H.R.H. Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn’s Mobile Dental Service Center since 1 May 1998. According to the first meeting resolution in 1998, Mahidol University Faculty of Dentistry was assigned as the operation unit, in collaboration with the Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Office, Border Patrol Police Bureau, Provincial Public Health Office, local hospitals, and relevant institutions. They are responsible for planning the schedule to pay visits and provide dental services to the people in accordance with Her Royal Highness’’s graciousness. More than 20 years under the project management, the center has provided dental treatment and oral health education to students and teachers in Border Patrol Police Schools, the schools under the H.R.H.’’s initiative, and underprivileged people across the country. In addition, the role model institution for the “Fun Dee Mee Suk” project (Healthy Teeth, Healthy Life) has been established (on the auspicious occasion of the Anniversary of H.R.H. Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn). The royal officials are trained to be role models having the knowledge to inspire people to sustainably maintain their good oral health.
27 Oct. 2565
Active School
Promoting physical activity in schools seems like an easy task. However, from the situational data on the physical activity of Thai children and youth, it has been pointed out that various obstacles and threats are preventing them from being able to do physical activities that are suitable for them. In order to see “all students are given the opportunity and are able to perform quality and sufficient physical activity opportunities,” there must be systematic tools to promote, design, and play relevant policies and activities. Therefore, a system management tool is needed to support the design and planning of policies and activities that will allow schools to seamlessly integrate physical activity promotion activities into policy and learning activities that do not increase the workload for the school and teachers on duty.
13 May 2566
Net PAMA Classroom
Result, our division created Net PAMA, or Internet-based Parent Management Training. Net PAMA is divided into two courses: Double Down Course and Intensive Course, from which participants can select the course that best suits their needs. Furthermore, through Net PAMA, we have improved our ability to assist families with internet access issues in developing their parent management skills.
10 Mar. 2565
Mobile Stroke Unit Tele Consultation and Patient Transfer ; A One-Stop Service for All
MSU-SOS is a model project that aims to improve the efficiency of teleconsultation and Ischemic stroke treatment using a Mobile Stroke Unit. The onboard CT Scanner, which is teleconsultation compatible, scans an image of the patient’’s brain and communicates with a medical team via 4G/5G technology, a high-speed wireless network, to make an immediate decision to deliver a thrombolytic agent. It also enables the medical team to inject contrast media to monitor cerebrovascular functions, resulting in a faster and more accurate diagnosis and a shorter referral procedure. As a result, the rate of disability, mortality, and loss to the patient and family is lowered, and the expense of the fund for long-term disabled patient care is reduced.
23 Jun. 2565
Activities Promote Gender Equality
As Mahidol University International College recognizes the importance of gender equality, MUIC organizations, including Divisions, Student Affair, Student Association, and Student Clubs, have held several activities to promote gender equality on a continual basis.
8 Aug. 2566
Service Solution Design Competition
The Service Solution Design Competition is a developmental and multidisciplinary project designed to align with United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 3: Good Health and Well-being.
5 May 2566
The project "STEM & ROBOTICS CAMP" is an extracurricular program aimed at developing coding skills for both teachers and students. The activities are conducted in three dimensions, including practical coding training for students and teachers, researching and developing teaching processes for coding, and researching and developing coding teaching materials. The working principles of the team are based on the concept that teaching media used in the activities should be affordable, accessible, and the learning process should be easy to understand, engaging, widely available, and sustainable.
The SDGs aim to “ensure that all human beings can enjoy prosperous and fulfilling lives and that economic, social, and technological progress occurs in harmony with nature.” Inequality is one of the defining issues of this generation and requires a commensurate focus that, to date, has been lacking.
28 Oct. 2565
Research for Community Project
Mahidol University Kanchanaburi Campus offers services in consultation, dissemination of information and technology, transmission of technology, and public relations aimed at promoting cooperation in technology transfer. The "Research for Community" project focuses on transferring knowledge and technology to the community, including soil quality analysis, organic fertilizer production, and bio-gas production.
4 Apr. 2567
RILCA Empowerment: Creating Refugees, Migrants as Agents of Positive Change
The Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia, Mahidol University initiates a project addressing challenges faced by Myanmar migrants in Thailand. Empowering volunteer teachers, it promotes equality, quality education, decent work, and peace. Through training and support, it cultivates global citizenship and fosters integration, benefiting both individuals and society.
24 Jan. 2566
TOD City Development and Sustainable Communities Guidelines
The concept of city and community is developed along with the transportation infrastructure. We focus on the development of areas around public transport stations that are the center of travel connections. The model of city has been determined for maximum benefit to create a quality community that is pleasant to live, attractive for business investment, and encourage to travel by public transport. The concept of TOD city management is to change the expansion of a scattered city to a compact city by using guidelines that will reduce the burden of city growth. Transport infrastructure is the backbone of urban development and expansion. Transit Oriented Development (TOD) urban development The concept of city and community is developed along with the transportation infrastructure. We focus on the development of areas around public transport stations that are the center of travel connections. The model of city has been determined for maximum benefit to create a quality community that is pleasant to live, attractive for business investment, and encourage to travel by public transport. The concept of TOD city management is to change the expansion of a scattered city to a compact city by using guidelines that will reduce the burden of city growth. Transit Oriented Development (TOD) will solve urban problems and benefit communities. The government will have clear and concrete guidelines for managing the city, changing travel behavior from private cars to public transport will help reduce pollution, and providing facilities for walking or cycling will reduce travel by private cars. In addition, the local economy will develop to fit every lifestyle, including residential areas, commercial areas, business areas, and public areas. Utilities are available and accessible to everyone, saving travel costs, reducing energy consumption, and fostering a good environment in the community.
15 May 2566
Project Integrated project of Share Love and Happiness (Pun Rak, Share Suk) and home visits for vulnerable groups
Project Integrated project of Share Love and Happiness (Pun Rak, Share Suk) and home visits for vulnerable groups is the network partners integrated in sub-district level, district level, and province level for home visit for the complex vulnerable groups with social, health, economic, and environment problem for care and assistance provide a seamless care and for vulnerable groups and improve the quality of life vulnerable groups get better.
6 Jul. 2565
The Module Development Project for Persons with Disabilities to Promote Their Rights of Accessibility and Utilization of Information on Broadcasting Services and Telecommunications
The accessibility of broadcasting services for persons with disabilities is a neglected issue. To date, broadcasting operators and TV program producers have not adequately considered the needs of persons with disabilities, or have placed them low on their priority list. This is likely due to the fact that Thailand’’s broadcasting services primarily focus on generating revenue through commercials. Operators tend to target the general audience and produce programs that appeal to them. As the commercial success is determined by the size of the audience, persons with disabilities, who constitute a small percentage, are often overlooked or their rights are violated.
21 Oct. 2565
The Master Plan of Mahidol University, Salaya Campus, B.E.2551
The Key Concepts of Mahidol University is Green University
The SDGs set a goal to protect the planet from degradation, including through sustainable consumption and production, sustainably managing its natural resources and taking urgent action on climate change, “so it can support the needs of the present and future generations.” Nearly every day we are seeing just how connected – and fundamental – climate change is to global development.
10 Aug. 2565
Exploring the Biodiverse World of Khao Yai National Park: Uncovering the Secrets of Endangered Gibbons
The Khao Yai National Park is a part of the UNESCO world heritage site and a significant area for ecology. It helps to preserve rare and endangered wildlife and plant species. Two species of primates, the white-handed gibbon and the pileated gibbon, are inhabitants of the park. Long-term studies of gibbons in the park have been conducted since 1967 by a team of researchers. The research team has been monitoring and surveying the ecology, population, and biology of the gibbons, the diversity of flora, seed dispersal, and the relationships between different species for over 20 years. The operations are aimed towards conservation planning and preservation of endangered species.
29 Aug. 2565
Ten years in Participating in the Development of Bueng Boraped- Mahidol University Nakhon Sawan Campus.
Nakhonsawan campus’’s primary goal is to foster reliance on the network for learning, and by supporting each other, a strong network for sustainability can be created.
18 Oct. 2565
Marine Spatial Planning: Application to local practices
This project assembles data from multiple countries, including the U.S., in order to coordinate a meeting of all stakeholders. It is anticipated that this will produce guidelines to shape maritime practices in the test areas in the coming year.
1 Sep. 2565
Climate change Resilience of Indigenous SocioEcological systems (RISE)
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was created by United Nations. It emphasizes the right of living in the land, boundary and the use of resources of ethnic groups which have lived, occupied, and used for long time. In this context, ethnic groups have the right to live,to find food and continueto live in a traditional way. This makes the maintenance of traditional and sustainable food systems an urgent priority for the United Nations. It has been made as United Nations Permanent Forum of Indigenous Peoples’ Issues: UNPFII for ethnic groups officially. However, despite important declarations supporting ethnic groups, but they are highly still vulnerable to climate changes, environmental crises, and other factors.
7 Oct. 2565
Knowledge management for rice varieties and network management of Young Smart Farmer to cope with climate variability
Farmers’’ learning process, accumulation, and knowledge transmission in rice breed management in each region of Thailand. including an examination of the process of establishing and administering the Young Smart Farmer’’s network to accommodate changes in the environment, as well as the use of public policy with community participation procedures
7 Oct. 2565
A project to honor His Majesty the King to study the development of the Royal Project community to be a low-carbon and sustainable community
The Royal Project has been working to become a low-carbon and sustainable community by setting a benchmark for sustainable development in the highlands. The project aims to create a model for other similar communities to follow in order to reduce their carbon footprint and achieve sustainability.
The SDGs rightly note that “There can be no sustainable development without peace and no peace without sustainable development.” Therefore, they set out goals to foster peaceful, just, and inclusive societies which are free from fear and violence.
18 Oct. 2565
Good Governance of Mahidol University
Mahidol University has a policy to develop the organization to be effective and good governance. That aims to be determined as a world-class university.
1 Sep. 2565
Mahidol University’s participation in supporting the peace process in the southern border provinces, Thailand.
Institute of Human Rights and Peace Studies (IHRP) and the Council of Civil Society in Southern Border Provinces recognizes the importance of the peace dialogue process in solving ethno-political conflict in the Deep South. This project utilized a dialogue process to create a space for collaboration between influential actors (including Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), scholars, and politicians) in solving socio-political problems. The project has continued for many years with the support of Mahidol University. In 2019 with a support of the project, the politicians and CSOs was agreed to sign the “Joint Agreement between Politicians and Civil Society for Southern Border Peace.” and agreed to mutually push forward an "establishment of a committee on the peace dialogue process" through parliamentary mechanisms.
1 Sep. 2565
Weaving Peace Together (WPT)
The project on ‘Weaving Peace (in the South) Together’ (WPT) was before called ‘Intra-Buddhist dialogue for Majority-Minority Coexistence in Thailand’, which began in 2015, is a project aimed at conflict transformation in the South of Thailand. The Buddhist minority in the southern border provinces has felt marginalized in efforts to address the situation in the South. The sense of exclusion and passive victimhood in the Buddhist community has contributed to their isolation from other communities and their suspicion towards initiatives to build peace in the South. The project’s main engine for change is the group Weaving Peace Together (WPT). The group was established by the project in 2016 as a safe space to build a common understanding amongst different tendencies and groupings within the Buddhist community which will lead on to constructive efforts by the group to contribute to conflict transformation in the South. In order to empower the group, strategies and activities are developed jointly by them and the project partners. To further enhance the ownership of, and commitment to WPT group by its members, specific sub-projects proposed by WPT members are managed directly by sub-groups of WPT.
2 Mar. 2565
Interfaith Buddy for Peace: The Weavers of Peace and Harmony in Thai Society
Interfaith Buddy for Peace: The Weavers of Peace and Harmony in Thai Society project applies dialogues as the start to bring trust and harmony and to ultimately bring peace to the three southern border provinces of Thailand where there are still deep-rooted conflicts in with different thoughts, beliefs, ideology, and culture. This is one of the projects receiving Mahidol University’s social guiding policy driving fund to promote research which leads to social guiding by applying healthcare to build trust and lead to concrete relationship weaving. Lessons learned were extracted and offered as peace and harmony policies in Thai society by applying 40 sub-seminar field tools in six southern border provinces. There were 170 people in attendance. The researcher used interview techniques and created sub-discussions in the areas to build understanding, to weave relationships and trust. Discussions were used to add trust and initiate a cross-religion relationship. Public stages were used to create more empathy, more understanding, and bonding across the communities, expanding network for people to take care of one another, as well as design the communities to exchange their experiences through their suffering and loss before becoming friends who support each other in aspects, including healthcare, especially during COVID-19 pandemic. This could bring mobilization opportunities for friends of different religions to handle the COVID-19 pandemic.
The SDGs call for “a spirit of strengthened global solidarity, focused in particular on the needs of the poorest and most vulnerable and with the participation of all countries, all stakeholders and all people.” Problems that cross geographies and sectors require collaboration that does as well.
25 Jul. 2565
Norwegian Scholarships Projects - Mahidol & Norway Capacity Building for Myanmar and ASEAN Countries
This project aims to support capacity building to ensure the education equity of minorities in Myanmar and five ASEAN countries including Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Indonesia, and the Philippines plus Nepal.
15 May 2566
Promotion of Human Rights Education in Southeast-Asia
Promotion of Human Rights Education in Southeast-Asia is one of the strategic programs of the Institute of Human Rights and Peace Studies, Mahidol University. The Institute of Human Rights and Peace Studies (IHRP) has been engaging in the promotion of human rights education within South-east Asian region for more than a decade. Apart from the human rights and peace academic programs at the post-graduate levels, the IHRP works in collaboration with international organizations to strengthen capacities, skills and knowledge on human rights and peace education for the scholars in Southeast Asian countries. Recently, the focus is on Myanmar scholars whose access to education was disrupted by the coup d’etat in 2021.
31 Aug. 2565
School-based Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) for Youth with Hearing Impairment
The project implementation “Development of curriculum and teaching methods for comprehensive sexuality education for youth with hearing impairments in schools for the audio education” to develop curriculum and teaching methods for sexuality education. suitable for young people with hearing impairments in schools for audio education with participation including communication to stimulate and raise awareness among relevant agencies/sectors. Emphasis on the importance of effective and quality sexuality education among young people with hearing impairments.
23 Jun. 2565
The National Manpower Skills Development Project (Upskill/ Reskill/ Newskill) for having a job and preparing for the future of work post-pandemic of Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19), Diploma in the 21st Century Child Care Training Project
The nation has gone through a coronavirus pandemic, resulting in increased employment, an expansion of the labor market for services, and increased demand for caregivers. As a consequence, there is a high demand for childcare workers among families today.
31 Aug. 2565
The study of a model development of primary health care services integrated with social services for persons with disabilities project
The study of a model development of primary health care services integrated with social services for persons with disabilities project is a project that Ratchasuda College Mahidol University. Received support from the Thai Health Promotion Foundation to bring the policy into practice by collaborating with government network partners and the public sector, including the National Health Security Office (NHSO), Sirindhorn National Medical Rehabilitation Institute (SNMRI) Ministry of Public Health, Thailand Council for Independent Living and Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities Ministry of Social Development and Human Security. To drive policy into action to achieve sustainability (SDG 17) in the development/care of the health and well-being of people with disabilities (SDG 3) is to increase opportunities. /reduce disparity on access to health and social services for people with disabilities (SDG 10).
25 Jul. 2565
MFA – MU Capacity Building for Medical and Health Science Education Hub 2021 - 2022
Personnel potential development by world-class experts (Train the Trainers) leads to the improvement of medical care, networking, and the dissemination of knowledge to medical development outside the country (Training the Others), especially in developing countries.
Sustainability Strategy
Mahidol University commits to the operate and achieve sustainable development goals in terms of research and innovation, education, and community participation and brings future sustainability.
Sustainable University