
Mahidol University Energy Management
Electricity consumption of Mahidol University, Salaya Campus is composed of electricity used for classroom teaching, medical services, other services, as well as activities operation of the university. These activities lead to high level of annual energy consumption. Mahidol University focused on energy management for effective energy consumption and sustainability. It also reduces wasteful energy and promote the reduction of greenhouse gas emission. Therefore, we promote and support renewable energy either solar energy or applied biodiesel including energy technology used in operations. This is to drive Mahidol University as an eco-university and sustainability, and to achieve Target 7: Affordable and Clean Energy, and Target 13: Climate Action
Solar Energy
Mahidol University’s determination statement “Wisdom of the land” with the main mission is to foster innovation, research, health, and the arts based on morality. In order to push and drive the university's operations to effect change in a direction that is friendly to the environment and people in the university efficiently and sustainably, the university has established a management strategy for sustainability and the Eco University and Sustainability Policy.
According to the university's operations, electrical energy is needed for all operations. As a result, Mahidol University has set up guidelines for building energy management and measures to lessen the university's burden of electrical energy bills. Since 2010, Mahidol University has been installing solar energy on the rooftops of its buildings as follows:
  • 2010
    Faculty of Medical Technology
  • 2015
    • Processes of biodiesel production
    • Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
  • 2019
    Wastewater Treatment Plant
  • 2020
    Mahidol Learning Center and Bus Terminal
  • 2022
    Every faculty building in Salaya Campus
There are two types of solar energy systems that have been installed at Mahidol University including off-grid and on-grid solar energy systems
  • Energy
  • Energy
  • Energy
  • Energy
1. Off-grid Solar Energy System
Off-grid solar energy system has been installed at Mahidol Learning Center: MLC, and Mahidol University Bus Terminal. The maximum capacity is 1.3 kW with Polycrystalline solar cell panel which is able to produce electricity power even in low light. The power capacity per panel is 310W of a total of 4 panels, and 4 of 200Ah batteries for power supplies when there is no sun light. This system of solar energy is electricity system which does not connect to the main electricity of the building. Power will be stored in batteries which can be used for the whole day for staff and students working in and using Mahidol Learning Center and Mahidol University Bus Terminal. Portable electrical equipment, mobile phone, laptop, and power bank, can be charged.
2. On-grid Solar Energy System
The on-grid solar energy system is one that can use both electrical energy generated by solar cells and electrical energy from the electricity authority. Mahidol University has installed rooftop solar cells and floating solar cells with a total capacity of up to 14 megawatts (MW). The generated electrical energy can be used to power various electrical devices within the building, such as air conditioners, computers, lighting bulbs, and so on. In order to optimize the advantages of employing renewable energy, any excess electricity generated by the solar energy system over the building's electrical requirements will be utilized in other university buildings.
In addition, the installation of solar energy in Mahidol University with a total capacity of up to 14 megawatts (MW) which can generate up to 19,200,000 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electrical energy per year while reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 9,082 tons of CO2 per year.
Essential equipment for off-grid and on-grid solar energy system
1. Solar Panel
2. Inverter
3. Battery
1. Solar Panel
2. Inverter
3. Control Cabinet
Functions of off-grid and on-grid solar energy system
1. Solar cell panels produce direct electrical current from the control system into the inverter when hit by sunlight.
1. When sunlight hits the solar cell panels installed on the roof, all of them would produce direct electrical current into inverter. Solar cell panels have the system which can monitor watt units produced by each panel.
2. Inverter changes direct electrical current into alternative electrical current for electricity distribution to the building which are device-charging table and batteries. Inverter of off-grid system does not connect to main power system or electricity to clearly separate the systems.
2. Inverter converts direct electrical current into alternative electrical current and transmit it to control cabinet after electrical current flow back to grid tie inverter. Inverter would have the system to restore data and track electricity energy data on website.
3. In case of insufficient sunlight or solar cells-produced energy, the system would apply electrical energy from batteries to function the devices
3. Control cabinet is a device to disconnect electrical energy distribution and to protect devices when it has short circuit. The electrical energy is used for electrical devices in the building. If there are more electrical energy than the need, the excess units will be distributed to other devices.
Mahidol University supports efficiency resources under the concept of reusing used oil from its food center as biodiesel renewable energy.
The biodiesel producing machine was installed next to Mahidol Learning Center: MLC, Mahidol University in 2017. The Mahidol Learning Center is a common area of the university where it has food center with capacity of over 1,000 people. This makes the food center produces a lot quantity of oil from deep fried food.
Producing biodiesel from cooking oil is reusing used oil to process with transesterification mixing with mixers until it becomes biodiesel. One liter of biodiesel production process costs 20-24 bath, which is used for truck transport in the campus. According to the success in making biodiesel used in the university, this will lead to knowledge sharing about biodiesel to community.
Processes of biodiesel production
1. Filtrate 50 liters of used oil in the filter tank
2. Filtered oil is pumped to the reaction tank and needs to be dehumidified by boiling at 110 ºC for 30 minutes. Then, wait for the oil to cool down to 50–55 ºC
3. Prepare chemicals for making biodiesel in the mixing tank by adding 10 liters of methanol (20% of oil volume). After that, adding 600 grams of potassium hydroxide (1.2% of oil volume) into the tank, stir, and release it into the reaction tank.
4. The reaction tank has filtered oil and mixed chemicals (methanol + potassium hydroxide) at the temperature of 50-55 ºC and stir for 10 minutes
5. After the oil has been layered overnight, the biodiesel (clear yellow) and glycerin (dark brown) would be separated.
6. Clean the biodiesel (clear yellow) for 3-4 times, then dehumidify it again, let it cool down, and pump it to store in the last tank for biodiesel.
Biodiesel can be used for Mahidol University transportation which reduces environmental problems. This leads to knowledge sharing to surrounded community, and a sustainable system of used oil management.