
Mahidol University promotes the policy of the university as an eco-university which focuses on maximize consumption in water resources and sustainable water management to develop staff and students’ quality of life in the university. Water and Mechanical Units, Utilities and Building System, and Division of Physical Systems and Environment have controlled water supply system, wastewater treatment system, surface water system, rain water drainage system, fountain system, fire suppression system, aeration turbine, mechanical aerator, and mechanical system including water supply and sanitation system design development, air-conditioning system, and air ventilation system. Water and Mechanical Units surveys and launches projects for the university’s water supply system management to continuously maximize water consumption and water loss reduction. This is to support the Sustainable Development Goals, Target 6: Clean Water and Sanitation which assures that people will be provided with clean water and sanitation, and sustainable management.
Water Management
Mahidol University was established in 1980 and has been using ground water since the beginning of construction until 2009. After that, Department of Ground Water Resources, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment announced ground water cancellation due to subsided ground areas. The university has been started using water supply system from Provincial Waterworks Authority with 15 units of water supply pipe system and water controlling valves. They have been divided into 14 areas for water supply pipes repair and maintenance. In the year of 2017, water supply repair in each time needs to close gate valves in those areas which affects short of water supply in many divisions. The water controlling valves have controlled buildings in excessively wide areas, and the university has built new buildings which has been expanded in different zones. This Ring Loop system has been applied to water supply pipe system where it has additional 7 units of water supply pipes and water controlling valves. The total number of water supply pipes and water controlling valves are 22 units which are divided into 19 zones to add more water Ring Loop to cover all those areas and reduce the number of zones affected by having no water when water pipes are closed for maintenance. In November 2017, the main water pipe was leaked which caused all areas of the university having no water for 36 hours.
The Main asbestos cement water pipe of Mahidol University, Salaya Campus, which has dimension of 300 millimeters with width 500 meters, was constructed in front of the Institute of Molecular Biosciences and Institute for Population and Social Research in 2000. It was leaked nearby the entrance of the Vaccine Building which caused loss of water in high quantity and could not distribute water to the main water supply. This was a serious problem impacted massive number of students, staff, and public people. There is a necessity to implement 315 millimeters HDPE main water pipes, manholes, and controlling devices to connect with the 315 millimeters main water distribution of the university. In case of main water pipe (asbestos cement) is broken, it is still controllable and reserved water would be distributed to spare pipes immediately with no affects of water consumption in the university. In 2019-2020, the 315 millimeters main water project was initiated to reserve pipes to get water from Provincial Waterworks Authority and to continuously distribute water without affecting all activities in the university. Divisions need to have water meter set up which the standard of water meters aged over 8 years will cause high errors. In 2021, water meters aged over 12 years were weathered with rust and contaminants in water causing equipment inside water meters quickly deteriorated. This issue leaded to inaccurate, so the Water and Mechanical Units, Utilities and Building System, Division of Physical Systems and Environment launched a project of the first phase of digital water meter installation in Salaya sub-district, Phutthamonthon District, Nakhon Pathom. This is to enhance standard of the university to digital era, and develop students and staff’s quality of life by installing digital water meters to faculties for 90 points which is cover around the Salaya campus.
Accurate data on water consumption may be monitored and checked online. If the system detects unexpected consumption, a warning will alert. This information supports sustainable water management and help in problem solutions.
Surface Water Management
Daily water consumption causes wastewater, which will be gathered for treatment and discharge to canals. The Utilities and Building System unit routinely checks monthly surface water measurements, including dissolved oxygen and pH. If an exceedingly high number is discovered, the staff will constantly work to improve the quality of surface water to meet standards.
Drainage System
Mahidol University has developed a project to clean rain water drainage system every 2 years by cleaning pipes, soil ditches, cement gutters, underground drains, and road sieve ponds to drain rain water and treated water by discharging them outside so that it will not flood the university.
There are 3 of rain water pumping stations which are Water Pump station 1 (North) and Faculty of Engineering and Water Pump station 2 (South). In 2021, the rainwater pumping system was developed into the Mahidol Monitoring System (MMS) to use technology and information to track water level measurement data within the canal to prevent flood and drought. This system allows for the tracking and verification of information that occurs continuously. In addition, the data from the measurements can be used to predict floods and droughts. The information obtained can be used in planning management and decision-making to solve problems. Nonetheless, to advance quality and safety while building on insights from the present and the future. As a result, Mahidol University started a project to purchase and install water level measuring equipment as well as run pump stations for rainwater drainage that can collect and send data remotely.
Wastewater Treatment System
Mahidol University, Salaya Campus established in 1980 which has a few staff and students; therefore, the university used oxidation ponds wastewater system. When the number of staff and students went over 30,000 and over 80 buildings had rapidly increased; for example, lecturer theaters, student dormitory, condominium, and food center, the oxidation ponds wastewater system could no longer support wastewater. Therefore, there are a high quantity of wastewater flooded to surface water resources. Activated sludge wastewater system had been constructed in 2012 which could support 3,000 cubic meter of wastewater per day. The system gathered wastewater from 17 divisions.
  • College of Sports Science and Technology
  • Institute of Nutrition
  • Mahidol Learning Center (MLC)
  • Institute of Molecular Biosciences
  • Faculty of Engineering
  • International College
  • Faculty of Social Science and Humanities
  • Faculty of Science
  • Faculty of Information and Communication Technology
  • Mahidol University Library and Knowledge Center
  • Faculty of Environment and Resource Studies
  • Student Dormitory, Student Affairs
  • Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia
  • Faculty of Environment and Resource Studies
  • ASEAN Institute for Health Development
  • Institute for Innovative Learning
  • MU-Bio Innovation Building
For other divisions are new buildings and have their own wastewater treatment system. Division of Physical Systems and Environment tracks quality of surface water every month. This is to maintain environment surrounding Mahidol University and to promote well-being of staff and students. The wastewater system of the university is based on laws according to Pollution Control Department, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment. Staff and students can check water quality on this website, https://op.mahidol.ac.th/pe/2018/3155/
The university has determined that the quality of treated wastewater will be monitored every month. The quality of treated water must be of the quality according to the announcement of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment regarding standards for controlling wastewater drainage from certain types and sizes of buildings (Type A) as follows:
Parameters Standards Measurement Results
pH 5-9
BOD < 20 mg/L
Suspended Solid < 30 mg/L
Total Dissolve Solid < 500 mg/L
Sulfide < 1.0 mg/L
TKN < 35 mg/L
Fats, Oils & Greases (FOG) < 20 mg/L
Settleable Solids < 0.5 mg/L
Water Recycle System
The university has determined that the quality of treated wastewater will be monitored every month. The quality of treated water must be of the quality according to the announcement of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment regarding standards for controlling wastewater drainage from certain types and sizes of buildings (Type A) as follows:
The university has determined that the quality of treated wastewater will be monitored every month. The quality of treated water must be of the quality according to the announcement of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment regarding standards for controlling wastewater drainage from certain types and sizes of buildings (Type A) as follows:

The Guideline on Promotion of Efficiency in Water Consumption and Management

Mahidol University has launched the Eco-University policy for sustainable development which is encouraging Mahidol people to be conscious and participate in reducing tap water use and manage wastewater with standards. Therefore, there are measures to promote the reduction of water resource use, as follows:


Control the quality standards of wastewater from buildings of departments within the university.

Determine the value of pH, BOD, suspended solids, sulfide, total dissolved solids, settleable solids, fat oil and grease and TKN according to Mahidol University's announcement on water management, B.E. 2563


Analysis of wastewater quality every month, both before and after treatment, to ensure that it meets standards.


Avoid the use of chemicals, fertilizers, and pesticides to prevent its leak into canals around the university.


Faculties/departments/offices are prohibited from release wastewater into the surface water around the university.

In the case that wastewater is discharged, water polluters will be fined and wastewater treatment fees will be collected in accordance with service rates.


Campaign and encourage students and staff to change your behavior to use water economically and efficiently.



Use water-efficient appliances

Encourage faculties, departments, and offices to use water-efficient appliances. Also, consider acquiring water-saving materials and equipment, as well as products with an environmental and water-saving policy

Currently, bathroom equipment has been changed, including faucets, sink faucets, sanitary ware, and urinals, to water-saving or highly efficient water-use equipment. which has been completed 71.8 percent from a total of 12,607 devices (9,052 from a total of 12,607 devices)


Encourage the reuse of treated water such as car washing, plant watering and so on.


Water leak detection and fix immediately

The university has a digital water supply system that allows it to monitor water usage at every location and even determine whether the water meter is functioning properly. The online system allows the relevant officials to review the work at any time. The system will notify users right away if there is an anomalous operation, such as a broken or leaky pipe. So, officials will enter the area right away to check or make repairs.


Define the water guideline to prepare for crises and droughts that will occur in the future.

Water Dispenser
The project of automatic water dispenser installation in common areas of Mahidol University, Salaya Campus is the project which supports staff and students to realize and value in maximization of water resource consumption, to support behavior change in reduction in one-time used plastic containers by personal water bottle replacement, and to support students and staff to use personal own water bottle to fill up from automatic water dispenser. These will help reduce the number of plastic garbage from purchased plastic water bottle, and reduce workers’ diseases exposure, and provide hygienic water to students and staff.
Water dispensers use UF+UV system which can completely filter bacteria and microorganisms, and retain minerals. Filters have been certified by drinking water standard from National Sanitary Foundation (NSF). Installation has been made in 12 locations around Mahidol University, Salaya Campus.
1. Sirividhaya Building 2 places
- Front of Toilet, 1st Floor (Left)
- Front of Toilet, 1st Floor (Right)
2. Mahidol Learning Center: MLC 4 places
- Dok Kan Pai Lawn, 1st Floor
- MU Cafeteria, 1st Floor
- The entrance to MU Cafeteria mezzanine
- MU Cafeteria, 2nd Floor
3. Sireeruckhachati Nature Learning Park 1 place
- The entrance to Administration Building
4. Office of President 2 places
- North, 1st Floor
- South, 1st Floor
5. Student Dormitory 2 places
- Male student dormitory 6-7
- Female student dormitory 11
6. Library and Knowledge Center 1 place
  • water
  • water
  • water