Case Study

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    07 02 12
    28 Oct. 2565
    Research for Community Project
    Mahidol University Kanchanaburi Campus offers services in consultation, dissemination of information and technology, transmission of technology, and public relations aimed at promoting cooperation in technology transfer. The "Research for Community" project focuses on transferring knowledge and technology to the community, including soil quality analysis, organic fertilizer production, and bio-gas production.
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    10 Aug. 2565
    Exploring the Biodiverse World of Khao Yai National Park: Uncovering the Secrets of Endangered Gibbons
    The Khao Yai National Park is a part of the UNESCO world heritage site and a significant area for ecology. It helps to preserve rare and endangered wildlife and plant species. Two species of primates, the white-handed gibbon and the pileated gibbon, are inhabitants of the park. Long-term studies of gibbons in the park have been conducted since 1967 by a team of researchers. The research team has been monitoring and surveying the ecology, population, and biology of the gibbons, the diversity of flora, seed dispersal, and the relationships between different species for over 20 years. The operations are aimed towards conservation planning and preservation of endangered species.
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    10 Aug. 2565
    Check dam helps to preserve the soil, increase soil moisture, and bring benefits to the surrounding community and the environment.
    Mahidol University Kanchanaburi Campus collaborated with Siam Cement Group Packaging to construct 427 check dams to control water flow and reduce soil erosion. A research project monitored the natural resources in the area of the sustainable check dam, revealing increased soil moisture and a return of wildlife. The check dams have decreased flooding and the Kanchanaburi Campus recognizes their responsibility to maintain them.
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    28 Oct. 2565
    Clean Water and Sustainable Water Management: A Case Study of Kanchanaburi Campus’’s Water Supply System
    Mahidol University Kanchanaburi Campus has developed a water supply system to ensure access to clean water throughout the campus and surrounding communities. The system meets regional water supply standards and WHO recommendations, promoting sustainable development and fulfilling Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation. The university has signed a cooperation agreement with local authorities to provide clean water services to the communities.