Sustainable Cities and Communities

Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.

Mahidol University is the first medical school in Thailand that specializes in medicine and public health. It also has the first music school in Thailand that specializes in the art of music. The “College of Music” was established in 1994 to promote the development of the nation’s “soft power” to international level. The College provides courses in the art of music from preparatory to doctorate levels. The College owns the Prince Mahidol Hall with 2,016 seats and an acoustic sound system providing high-quality sound to the audience. The Hall was designed for use on various occasions, such as for graduation ceremonies, student orientation, theatrical performances, concerts, conferences, and includes lecture rooms. Mahidol University supports the concept of a livable and safe city. The campus environment has been transformed to make it eco-friendly, by reducing the campus’ carbon footprint through increased green spaces, public trams, a bike path, and an environmentally friendly waste-management approach. The University also provides low-cost accommodation for students and staff. A light-red line suburban train (Taling Chan-Salaya) and other public transportation will be built. Therefore, Mahidol University plans to develop the area around Salaya Station to accommodate the arrival of the trains and to develop a link between Salaya Railway Station and the University''''s public transportation system, and connect with the Golden Jubilee Medical Center; this will facilitate systematic access to medical and public-health services without unduly affecting the environment. The University employs Big Data for management and a Wi-Fi system that covers all areas of the University; by increasing the Internet Gateway Bandwidth to 19 Gbps, it can support more than 70,000 accounts. This encourages staff to use technology for maximum operational efficiency, resulting in a Digital Convergence University. The ''''We Mahidol Application'''' platform has been developed to support both Android and iOS operating systems for a variety of usage patterns that suit the lifestyles of students and staff. In 2022, applications have been downloaded more than 40,000 times. All technologies are used to support the changes under Disruptive Technology in the future.

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    10 Aug. 2565
    Check dam helps to preserve the soil, increase soil moisture, and bring benefits to the surrounding community and the environment.
    Mahidol University Kanchanaburi Campus collaborated with Siam Cement Group Packaging to construct 427 check dams to control water flow and reduce soil erosion. A research project monitored the natural resources in the area of the sustainable check dam, revealing increased soil moisture and a return of wildlife. The check dams have decreased flooding and the Kanchanaburi Campus recognizes their responsibility to maintain them.
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    7 Oct. 2565
    MU Green Rankings
    MU Green Rankings is the tool for assessment of environmental and sustainability performance of faculties or departments in Mahidol University
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    03 11 12
    30 Jun. 2565
    Hazardous Waste Management Company Performance Assessment Project
    Mahidol University is a teaching and learning university. Mainly medical and scientific research. From Occupational Safety, Health and Workplace Environment policies and practices 2014. To concerning support for proper use of resources and have an efficient waste management system. The Center for Occupational Safety, Health and Workplace Environment (COSHEM) has therefore established a hazard management project within the university. Chemical hazardous waste projects and biological hazardous waste projects are established. By managing waste systems including waste sorting, waste storage, and waste disposal. The Center for Occupational Safety, Health and Workplace Environment (COSHEM) is a central agency for the coordination and procurement of hazardous waste disposal companies that operate under the control and supervision of government agencies and has been certified as required by law and receive hazardous waste disposal within the faculty/division.
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    24 Jan. 2566
    TOD City Development and Sustainable Communities Guidelines
    The concept of city and community is developed along with the transportation infrastructure. We focus on the development of areas around public transport stations that are the center of travel connections. The model of city has been determined for maximum benefit to create a quality community that is pleasant to live, attractive for business investment, and encourage to travel by public transport. The concept of TOD city management is to change the expansion of a scattered city to a compact city by using guidelines that will reduce the burden of city growth. Transport infrastructure is the backbone of urban development and expansion. Transit Oriented Development (TOD) urban development The concept of city and community is developed along with the transportation infrastructure. We focus on the development of areas around public transport stations that are the center of travel connections. The model of city has been determined for maximum benefit to create a quality community that is pleasant to live, attractive for business investment, and encourage to travel by public transport. The concept of TOD city management is to change the expansion of a scattered city to a compact city by using guidelines that will reduce the burden of city growth. Transit Oriented Development (TOD) will solve urban problems and benefit communities. The government will have clear and concrete guidelines for managing the city, changing travel behavior from private cars to public transport will help reduce pollution, and providing facilities for walking or cycling will reduce travel by private cars. In addition, the local economy will develop to fit every lifestyle, including residential areas, commercial areas, business areas, and public areas. Utilities are available and accessible to everyone, saving travel costs, reducing energy consumption, and fostering a good environment in the community.
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    15 May 2566
    The development of health promotion model and income generation for the older adults at the day care center by community
    The development of health promotion model and income generation for the older adults at the day care center is the creation area for older adults to do activities together every Monday to Friday. There is a working group mechanism in day care center management. There are volunteer teachers to create 12 learning bases and there is a day care center fund for the older adults to support the budget for organizing activities
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    7 Oct. 2565
    Project: Thai Coast: Coastal Vulnerability, Resilience and Adaptation in Thailand
    The Thai-coast project is helping improve scientific understanding of the vulnerability of Thailand’s coastal communities to hydro-meteorological hazards, including storms, floods and coastal erosion, under future climate change. For the study sites in Krabi and Nakhon Si Thammarat Provinces, key findings are that modelled future climate change indicates more extended and severe floods in Southern Thailand with the risk of flash floods increasing significantly, and erosion and accretion rates are more dramatic on mangrove coastlines compared with sandy coastlines. Despite variable physical and socio-economic resilience, the two study sites have comparable coastal vulnerability index (CVI) values. Project results impact through public engagement, dissemination and dialogue with policy makers and coastal communities.
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    03 11 17
    11 Mar. 2565
    The Tobacco Control Research and Knowledge Management Center
    Academic Center for the Control and Prevention of Tobacco Consumption Problems in Thailand
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    21 Oct. 2565
    The Ramathibodi Healthy Farm
    The Ramathibodi Healthy Farm , Organic farming , source of learning for good health of Thai People
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    15 May 2566
    Project Integrated project of Share Love and Happiness (Pun Rak, Share Suk) and home visits for vulnerable groups
    Project Integrated project of Share Love and Happiness (Pun Rak, Share Suk) and home visits for vulnerable groups is the network partners integrated in sub-district level, district level, and province level for home visit for the complex vulnerable groups with social, health, economic, and environment problem for care and assistance provide a seamless care and for vulnerable groups and improve the quality of life vulnerable groups get better.
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    21 Oct. 2565
    The Master Plan of Mahidol University, Salaya Campus, B.E.2551
    The Key Concepts of Mahidol University is Green University
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    11 Mar. 2565
    Unlock the potential in every child.
    Mahidol University received a grant from the Austrian Government to create a representative study of children of the Migrant Learning Center (MLC) in Phop Phra and Tha Song Yang Sub-districts in Mae Sot Province to make a comparison with children in the nearby Thai Early Childhood Development Center (ECCD).
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    03 04 11
    22 Jun. 2565
    The Project of Thai Youth Fight Against COVID-19, the Year 2020 and 2021: Raising awareness and participation of children and youth to fight against the COVID-19 pandemic
    The National Institute for Child and Family Development at Mahidol University and the Child Safety Promotion and Injury Prevention Research Center (CSIP) at the Faculty of Medicine at Ramathibodi Hospital organized the activities that would allow children, youth, and teenagers to learn about COVID-19 and apply what they learned when they cared for the elderly in their homes.