The development of health promotion model and income generation for the older adults at the day care center by community


The development of health promotion model and income generation for the older adults at the day care center by community is the create learning area for older adults for improve quality of life for older adults get better and life long learning.

Research project on the development of health promotion model and income generation for the older adults at the day care center by community is a project under “Mechanism Development Project to strengthen network partners to drive and promote health in the areas of northeastern region (Strengthening Network partners Project)”. The project is funded by Thai Health Promotion Foundation, and the Partnership and International Relations in the amount of 100,000 baht with a purpose to develop a model for health promotion and income generation for the older adult in the day care center with the focus on community participation and improving the quality of life of the older adult in terms of social, economic, health, and environmental dimensions. The duration of the project started from April 2022 to March 2023 with the following process.

Phase 1: A study of situations related to the health promotion and income generation model for the older adult in the day care center.

1) The researcher submitted a letter to relevant agencies requesting a permission to conduct research in the area.

2) The meeting was organized to clarify the research project with the team of community leaders at sub-district level, consisting of representatives from Non Nam Thaeng Sub-district Administrative Organization, village leaders, community leaders, former Non Nam Thaeng sub-district headmen, the director of Ban Kham Noi health promoting hospital and the head of the Non Nam Thaeng Medical Center to plan the research operation.

3) The working groups for older adults at Non Nam Thaeng sub-district day care center were established. They were representatives from all sectors covering every village in the community, consisting of consultants, director, deputy director, treasurer, assistant treasurer, secretary and assistant secretary with the total of 86 people. Theirs roles and responsibilities were determined for the project.

4) Data collection was obtained from the representatives to study the relevant situations on health promotion and income generation model for the older adult at day care center, the representatives included people from (1) Local Administrative Organizations (2) Local Organizations, (3) Village headmen, (4) Primary Health Care Units, and (5) People's representatives.

Phase 2: Development of a health promotion model and income generation for the older adult in the day care center using community participation.

1) The meeting of the working group was organized to return information on the situations and needs regarding the health promotion and income generation model for the older adult in the community. Twelve learning bases were created according to the needs of the older adult including (a) Dementia prevention base (Domino); (b) Dementia prevention base (Chess); (c) Dementia prevention base (Card); (d) Dementia prevention base (Janka); (e) Dementia prevention base (Bingo); (f) Fall prevention base, using table 9 grids, elastic bands, qigong, yoga, dance, and baslops dance, and etc.; (g) Grandparents raising grandchildren base; (h) Beauty and handsome old age base; (i) Career creation to increase income base; (j) Love reading and lifelong learning base; (k) Organic farming for health and well-being base; and (l) Garbage as valuable as gold base.

2) The team leader went to the area to explore a suitable location for setting up an older adult day care center. Fortunately, it was courtesy of the abbot of Wat Mae Phra which honored to be raised to heaven in Amnat Charoen Province that allowed us to use the 150-year pavilion of the Mother of Perpetual Help as the location.

3) The preparation of public relations using various channels are shown as follows: a) Facebook page of the older adult day care center at Non Nam Thaeng sub-district, b) Line group, c) Community broadcasting tower, and d) Word-of-mouth communication through community leaders and village health volunteers.

4) Volunteer teachers from various agencies in the community were recruited. Volunteer teachers with skills and knowledge would be taught in the older adult day care center.

5) Older adults in the community were recruited to join older adult club. The recruitment for the membership was done through representatives of each village. Applications were distributed to older adults in the community covering 14 villages, with the numbers of 400 older adults participated in the club.

6) Established a fund for the older adult day care center at Nam Thaeng sub-district, in the amount of 60,000 baht. There was mutual agreement and rules to use the fund to purchase materials and equipment in order to promote health, create careers, generate income for the older adult and pay for utilities expenses in the day care center.

7) Opening ceremony of the day care center for the older adults at Non Nam Thaeng was organized on August 5, 2022. Certificates were given to the working groups including volunteer teachers and other network volunteers totaling of 99 persons.  There was a ceremony to receive fund and supported items for the center. There was also a training to develop potential volunteer teachers and older adult leaders and promote health of older adults using 9 squares table and elastic band.

8) Rules and regulations to use older adult day care center were established and announced to older adults and working group members for acknowledgement.

9) Day care center for older adults is open for service every Monday to Friday from 8:30a.m.-3:30 p.m. There are volunteer teachers participating in learning activities to provide knowledge and how to on all 12 learning bases. Volunteer teachers organize additional training programs such as the development of the potential of the older adult 4 + 1 in dimensions of health, social, economic and environment. There are other activities including making herbal balm, making layered desserts, making creamy salad dressings, basic life support, health promotion and prevention, dementia prevention, falls screening and prevention, health services for relieving knee pain with herbal knee wraps, organized beauty and handsome services such as shampooing, cutting, perming, hair coloring, and diabetes screening, and etc. Careers promotion such as doormat making basket weaving from plastic threads, making mulberry tea, and mushroom cultivation, etc. are also included in the activities. These activities enhance older adults’ skills and help increase their household income when their products are sold in the local market.  In each activity, the Sustainable Development Goals will be taught to the working groups and senior members, so that they can apply the concept to improve their community.

10) Local products made by older adults such as handmade items, doormats and baskets can also be sold and promoted online. Personnel in the community with the social media public relation skills can assist these older adults to promote their products, so that more people outside the community can acknowledge about them. Opening an exhibition booth at the Amnat Charoen Provincial Red Cross Fair can also help promote locally produces and products. This work was done together with the Amnat Charoen Campus booth. This helps generate income among older adults in the community.

11) Lessons learned summary and exchange of knowledge in the area through the activity   called Show Share and Connect at the stage show “Thai Isaan Sansuk Festival Home Hang Beng Yang Sukapawa" by the Office of the Health Promotion Foundation, and the older adult day care center of Non Nam Thaeng sub-district. The center is also an online learning center for older adults.

12) The meeting of the working groups were organized every month to summarize the encountered problems and obstacles, and they discussed the solutions.

13) The working groups integrated the operation into the routine work of Non Nam Thaeng sub-district Administrative Organization. They imported the work to the annual sub-district development plan for the year 2023 and established a day care center roaming in each village.

14) The expansion of the older adult day care center were done in two locations including: (1) day care center for the older adult in Non Nam Thaeng sub-district Ban Sok Don branch and (2) day care center for the older adult in Na Rai Yai, Senangkhanikhom sub-district, Senangkhanikhom district, Amnat Charoen province.

Phase 3: Evaluation of health promotion and income generation for the older adult in day care centers.

1) There are meetings of the working groups to summarize the results of the development of health promotion model and income generation for the older adults in the day cay center by conducting a summary of lessons learned regarding the older adult day care performance.

2) The project is handed over to the community to act as the main operator for sustainability development.

Benefits and results

1) Models for health promotion and income generation for the older adults in the day care center.

2) Integrated older adult day care centers are established with the collaboration of all network partners.

3) There is an establishment of fund for older adult day care center at Non Nam Thaeng sub-district.

4) There are 400 members of the older adults in Non Nam Thaeng sub-district (comprising of 40%).

5) There are 25 volunteers teachers.

6) The work of the day care center for the older adult is integrated into the sub-district plan of Non Nam Thaeng sub-district Administrative Organization in the fiscal year of 2023.

7) Older adults who participate in the community activities are found to have better quality of life, increase their household income, and gain better physical and mental health.

8) The Office of Social Development and Human Security initiates the  older adult day care center into the plan of fiscal year 2023 with the aim to establish a Center for Quality of Life Development for the Older adult and Persons with Disabilities (AIDS), with financial support budget of 300,000 baht.

9) The older adult day care center is a model learning area for students to visit, a place for health promotion and education, and assist older adults with skills and knowledge for generating extra household income which benefits to older adults in Amnat Charoen Province.

10) The model older adult day care center are expanded into two locations.

11) The working groups and senior citizens have knowledge and understanding of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Target groups and areas that gain benefit

Older adults in Non Nam Thaeng Subdistrict, Mueang District, Amnat Charoen Province


Local community level

Continuity and duration of the operation

The project duration is one year starting from April 2022-March, 2023. At present, the Amnat Charoen Campus has handed the project over to the community to act as the main host for driving the action activities. The project action is still ongoing; and Ban Kham Noi sub-district health promoting hospital is the main host in collaboration with the working group of the older adult day care center at Non Nam Thaeng sub-district. The project is integrated into One Tambon One Village sustainable project of Non Nam Thaeng sub-district. Amnat Charoen Provincial Administrative Organization supports the budget for the project in the amount of 100,000 baht.


1. Boromarajonani College of Nursing Nakhon Phanom, Nakhonphanom University

2. Are Based Research and Wellness Center, Nakhonphanom University

3. Kasetsart University, Chalermphrakiat Sakon Nakhon Province Campus

4. Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Khon Kaen, Praboromarajchanok Institute)

5. Amnat Charoen Hospital

6. Non Nam Thaeng Medical Center

7. Camnoi village Tambon Health Promoting Hospital

8. Non Nam Thaeng Subdistrict Administrative Organization

9. Office of Social Development and Human Security of Amnat Charoen Province

10. Amnat Charoen Provincial Administrative Organization

11. Non Nam Thaeng Subdistrict Non-Formal and Informal Education)

12. Muang Amnat Cdistrict Non-Formal and Informal Education

13. Thai Esan Sansuk Network

14. Thai Health Promotion Foundation (Thai Health Promotion Foundation), Office of Partnership and International Relations

15. Village headman, community volunteer network and the public sector in Non Nam Thaeng sub-district

Dr. Pairin Yodsuban
Dr.Ruangurai Amornchai, Dr.Attapong Rittitit, Dr.Neungrutai Senarat, Asst.Pro.Dr.Benjayamas Pilayon, Asst.Prof.Nannasit Sittibannakul, Asst.Prof.Benyapa Sripanya, Dr.Khannistha Mahem, Ms.Nittaya Buasai, Ms. Chalitda Khunkaew, Mrs. Nalinee Kinawong