Education for Sustainability

Education for Sustainability
Education for Sustainability
Through curriculum and extra-curriculum
Integrate sustainability into teaching and learning experience
Strategic Goals
1. To develop departments to systematically have good governance
2. To allow the university to have structures and process systems in accordance with the main mission and strategy motivation
3. To have efficacy personnel in accordance with the university’s vision achieving.
4. To allow departments to understand and realize on being self-sufficiency organization
5. To make this university a digital university
6. To make this university an eco-university
7. To create the Mahidol brand internationally
Strategic Initiatives
1. Install communication system and force operations that follow good governance thoroughly across the university
2. Create strength in driving the university in accordance with strategy planning
3. Adapt the structure of the university and/or departments by applying business-oriented concept which can be self-reliant
4. Develop central operating system and pass it on to all departments in order to create high-efficacy working process
5. Develop the capability limit of each campus strategically and in accordance with the university’s policy
6. Create and transfer strategic plan on human resources management to all departments of the university, while building an effective human resources management system that is conducive to promoting the university’s strategies
7. Develop all departments’ capability in financial management to be effective and sustainable
8. Increase capability in creating income-making and property management opportunities, to create value and maximum benefits
9. Develop and reorganize digital technology to support the main mission and other supported missions, as well as creating the Big Data to help with decision-making
10. Increate usage efficacy of the best resource infrastructure to limit carbon footprints and promote occupational health and environmental safety
11. Use national and international quality system to create sustainable management
12. Create strategic partners with international universities/organizations
13. Promote Mahidol Brand strategically
14. Promote the university ‘s mission on Sustainable Development Goals (SGDs)
Case Study
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    15 17
    10 Aug. 2565
    Exploring the Biodiverse World of Khao Yai National Park: Uncovering the Secrets of Endangered Gibbons
    The Khao Yai National Park is a part of the UNESCO world heritage site and a significant area for ecology. It helps to preserve rare and endangered wildlife and plant species. Two species of primates, the white-handed gibbon and the pileated gibbon, are inhabitants of the park. Long-term studies of gibbons in the park have been conducted since 1967 by a team of researchers. The research team has been monitoring and surveying the ecology, population, and biology of the gibbons, the diversity of flora, seed dispersal, and the relationships between different species for over 20 years. The operations are aimed towards conservation planning and preservation of endangered species.
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    10 Aug. 2565
    Check dam helps to preserve the soil, increase soil moisture, and bring benefits to the surrounding community and the environment.
    Mahidol University Kanchanaburi Campus collaborated with Siam Cement Group Packaging to construct 427 check dams to control water flow and reduce soil erosion. A research project monitored the natural resources in the area of the sustainable check dam, revealing increased soil moisture and a return of wildlife. The check dams have decreased flooding and the Kanchanaburi Campus recognizes their responsibility to maintain them.
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    04 03
    11 Mar. 2565
    Mini Master of Management in Health: Mini MM Training Program
    ASEAN Institute for Health Development (AIHD), Mahidol University has collaborated with the Preventive Medicine Association of Thailand to offer the Mini Master of Management in Health: Mini MM Training Program.
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    10 04
    1 Aug. 2565
    The Faculty of Graduate Studies at Mahidol University provides scholarships for the graduate students with disabilities
    The Faculty of Graduate Studies at Mahidol University provides scholarships for the graduate students with disabilities to enhance their educational opportunities.
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    1 Aug. 2565
    Mahidol Apprenticeship Program (MAP)
    Mahidol Apprenticeship Program (MAP) is another educational platform offered by the Faculty of Graduate Studies, Mahidol University, which allows those who are interested in the post-graduate programs to enhance their skills useful for their professional development in the 21st century and to adapt themselves to a future society that is continually changing and progressing.
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    03 04
    15 May 2566
    The Social Network Development for Driving Policy of Early Childhood Development in the 10TH Health Region
    Combining the power of social networks to develop model sub-districts and a model district in early childhood development in the 10TH health region based on the triangle that moves the mountain concept and 4 principles of development of early childhood care by local communities: using the area as a base for development; Taking health into account in every policy the creation of having Participation and building a sense of belonging to the local community.
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    15 May 2566
    Competency development project of leaders and network partners to improve the quality of life of children and families in Sisaket and Mukdahan provinces.
    The operator team is a consultant and speaker in the workshop to develop the competency of leaders and network partners to develop the quality of life of children and families at the provincial, district and sub-district levels, Sisaket Province, totaling 15 days, with a total of 970 participants, and Mukdahan province, 2 projects totaling 4 days, with a total of 194 participants
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    03 04 17
    27 Oct. 2565
    Active School
    Promoting physical activity in schools seems like an easy task. However, from the situational data on the physical activity of Thai children and youth, it has been pointed out that various obstacles and threats are preventing them from being able to do physical activities that are suitable for them. In order to see “all students are given the opportunity and are able to perform quality and sufficient physical activity opportunities,” there must be systematic tools to promote, design, and play relevant policies and activities. Therefore, a system management tool is needed to support the design and planning of policies and activities that will allow schools to seamlessly integrate physical activity promotion activities into policy and learning activities that do not increase the workload for the school and teachers on duty.
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    17 04
    25 Jul. 2565
    Norwegian Scholarships Projects - Mahidol & Norway Capacity Building for Myanmar and ASEAN Countries
    This project aims to support capacity building to ensure the education equity of minorities in Myanmar and five ASEAN countries including Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Indonesia, and the Philippines plus Nepal.
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    12 15 17
    7 Oct. 2565
    Safety and Hazardous Waste Management
    Waste management policies. Waste management policies implementation.
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    04 10 17
    11 Apr. 2567
    Braille Books for Blinds Project
    A team of MUIC students pursued a community service project entitled “Braille Books for Blinds Project (BBB Project)” as part of the ICGS 145 Service-Learning – Management of Community Service Project course. A fundraising event was organized to raise funds for making extra-curricular braille books for blind students at the Bangkok School for the Blind.
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    15 May 2566
    Promotion of Human Rights Education in Southeast-Asia
    Promotion of Human Rights Education in Southeast-Asia is one of the strategic programs of the Institute of Human Rights and Peace Studies, Mahidol University. The Institute of Human Rights and Peace Studies (IHRP) has been engaging in the promotion of human rights education within South-east Asian region for more than a decade. Apart from the human rights and peace academic programs at the post-graduate levels, the IHRP works in collaboration with international organizations to strengthen capacities, skills and knowledge on human rights and peace education for the scholars in Southeast Asian countries. Recently, the focus is on Myanmar scholars whose access to education was disrupted by the coup d’etat in 2021.
Number of items 32 Items