The Faculty of Graduate Studies at Mahidol University provides scholarships for the graduate students with disabilities


The Faculty of Graduate Studies at Mahidol University provides scholarships for the graduate students with disabilities to enhance their educational opportunities as well as encourage the graduate students responsible for facilitating the students with disabilities to have public awareness and contribute to the society.

The Faculty of Graduate Studies at Mahidol University provides scholarships for the graduate students with disabilities to enhance their educational opportunities as well as encourage the graduate students responsible for facilitating the students with disabilities to have public awareness and contribute to the society. The scholarship sources are as follows:

- Graduate Student with Disability Scholarship Project, Number of Grants: 10/year
- Scholarship Project for Graduate-student Assistants of Disadvantaged Graduate Students, Number of grants 15/year

Students, departments, and graduate studies programs under the Faculty of Graduate Studies’ coordination.

Faculty of Graduate Studies
graduate studies programs under the Faculty of Graduate Studies’ coordination.