Mahidol Apprenticeship Program (MAP)

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The Faculty of Graduate Studies at Mahidol University provides educational management models that offer an opportunity for the public to attend the courses to develop and increase knowledge and necessary skills useful for their careers. 

Mahidol Apprenticeship Program (MAP)

Mahidol Apprenticeship Program (MAP) is another educational platform offered by the Faculty of Graduate Studies, Mahidol University, which allows those who are interested in the post-graduate programs to enhance their skills useful for their professional development in the 21st century and to adapt themselves to a future society that is continually changing and progressing.


The program's objective is to help students develop their skills, knowledge, and professional expertise necessary in the 21st century. These programs used to be offered to only master’s and doctoral students, but now they are open to the general public by offering in the form of short courses and trainings. The topics and contents are rather wide-open, which allows the interested, regardless of age, educational backgrounds, or career type, to participate in order to apply learned knowledge and gained experiences in their profession.There are 2 types of the Mahidol Apprenticeship Program (MAP):

  • Mahidol Apprenticeship Program Curriculum (MAP-C) includes the courses that are normally taught at the post-graduate levels and is now open to the general public. They can transfer their credits to Mahidol University's post-graduate programs if they wish to study here in the future.

Objectives and overall operations: The Faculty of Graduate Studies at Mahidol University provides educational management models that offer an opportunity for the public to attend the courses to develop and increase knowledge and necessary skills useful for their careers. From the academic year 2020 until the present, the number of attendees of MAP-C has been: 


Academic year

the number of courses joining MAP-C

the number of attendees MAP-C











As of June 2024



  • Mahidol Apprenticeship Program Extra (MAP-EX) offers short course trainings that are arranged by individual faculties, institutes, or colleges of Mahidol University.


The general public, graduate studies programs, Mahidol University

Faculty of Graduate Studies, Mahidol University
graduate studies programs under the Faculty of Graduate Studies’ coordination.