Hazardous waste management Consistent with the big picture policy of the university University Announcement on Policy on Hazardous Waste Management from Laboratories 2022 with the following important points:
1. The university will control and supervise the use of chemicals. radioactive material and biological objects To work in an appropriate, cost-effective and safe manner and strive to reduce the production of hazardous waste from the laboratory into the environment.
2. Department administrators and department heads must give importance to and support the management of hazardous waste from laboratories of departments and agencies in accordance with relevant laws and in accordance with university policy.
3. The university will support all departments whose work involves chemicals. radioactive material and biological objects Separate hazardous waste from general waste. To achieve efficient management of hazardous waste.
4. The university will create and develop a centralized university-based hazardous waste management system for laboratory waste. and to work sections that have work related to chemicals radioactive material and biological objects Used to collect information on hazardous waste from laboratories in order to manage them in accordance with the law.
5. Department administrators and department heads must give importance to and support the management of hazardous waste from laboratories of departments and agencies in accordance with university policy.
6. Sections that perform work related to chemicals radioactive material and biological objects There must be a working group or person responsible for managing hazardous waste from the laboratory. Responsible for supervising, monitoring, and evaluating the management of hazardous waste from the laboratory according to the policies set by the university.

Every faculty/division in the university must have a working committee that is responsible for hazardous waste management. Hazardous waste management and recording systems are in place. And there is an agreement (Performance Agreement) with every department each year.
Occupational Safety, Health, and workplace Environment management 2021 was set up to Mahidol university policies and practices. As the following key points
- Occupational Safety, Health, and Workplace Environment management policy
(1) The university recognizes and prioritizes the safety of staff, students, and outsiders in the workplace. planning, operations, and activities in the university are included.
(2) The university supports the issuance of Occupational Safety, Health, and workplace Environment management regulations, announcements, orders, protocols, and practices that accordance with the law.
(3) The university supports improving a suitable working environment and developing Occupational Safety, Health, and workplace Environment facilities and infrastructure.
(4) The university encourages all personnel, students, and outsiders to comply with regulations, announcements, orders, protocols, and guidelines for Occupational Safety, Health, and Workplace Environment.
(5) The university encourages the proper use of resources. and have an effective hazardous waste management system
(6) The university supports the promotion of awareness, knowledge, and understanding of Occupational Safety, Health, and workplace Environment among staff and students.
(7) The university supports appropriate and continuous assessment, management, and control systems for all levels of work.
(8) The university will foster a culture of safety and maintain a good working environment for staff, students, and outsiders.
(9) The university promotes cooperation with neighboring communities. To strengthen occupational safety, health, and workplace environment.
- Guidelines for occupational safety, health and workplace environment.
(1) The university has determined that safety at work is a shared responsibility of all staff, students, and outsiders in the university.
(2) The university supports the training and motivation of staff, students, and third parties, especially outsourcing. as well as promoting activities to promote a culture of health and safety in the workplace thoroughly and continuously.
(3) The university requires staff and students working in chemical laboratories, Radioactive substances, biological materials, and other hazards must undergo training as required by the university. The expenses can be reimbursed from the affiliation department.
(4) The university requires safety performance and occupational health as one of the criteria for performance evaluation.
(5) All university senior leaders/directors must act as good role models and control compliance with regulations, announcements, orders, protocols, and guidelines for occupational safety, health, and workplace environment. as well as promoting cooperation with neighboring communities to enhance occupational safety, health and workplace environment.
(6) The faculty/division must improve and develop the workplace environment according to the Occupational Safety, Health, and workplace environment 2011 or other related laws as a minimum criterion.
(7) The faculty/division must set up an Occupational Safety, Health, and workplace environment committee safety, occupational health, and working environment at the department level to oversee safety work within the faculty/division according to the university policy.
(8) The faculty/division must have an evaluation of its performance by the regulations, announcements, orders, protocols, and practices against occupational safety, health and workplace environment according to the university's guidelines.
(9) Staff, students, and outsiders must consider the safety of themselves and others, as well as the property of the university, as important.
(10) All staffs, students, and outsiders have to comply with regulations, announcements, orders, protocols, and guidelines for occupational safety, health and workplace environment, and other related work safety standards.
(11) All staff and students are obligated to cooperate in the University's safety, occupational health, and workplace environment projects.
(12) All staff and students participated in offering their opinions. Suggestions for improving working conditions and safe working methods.
occupational safety, health, and workplace environment of the department Policies and practices shall be by the department head's determination by making a department announcement. and considering suitability Consistency with this announcement and the mission of the division is important

The university policies have been transmitted to the center for occupational safety, Health, and workplace environment (COSHEM). By joining the Enhancement of Safety Practice of Research Laboratory in Thailand (ESPReL) project with national research universities. To encourage researchers to be aware of safety, creating a culture and environment. Especially hazardous waste management in the laboratory as well as developing the potential of staff at all levels that are conducive to the continuous development of safety in research laboratories.
There was an occupational safety, health, and workplace environment committee from Mahidol University Order. To formulate and monitor policy results. Including a chief auditor and a laboratory auditor order according to Enhancement of Safety Practice of Research Laboratory in Thailand (ESPReL) standards and a committee has been set up for each department. Including setting a Performance Agreement with the faculty/division leader. There is a checklist for evaluation and management. Especially hazardous waste is supervised as a result, Mahidol University's chemical laboratories can pass an increasing number of assessments every year.

From Mahidol University occupational safety, health and workplace environment policies and practices announcement 2021. Especially topic number 4.3 which forwards the policy to implementation. By developing related training courses for those involved. In particular, hazardous waste management practices and auditor training courses. Continuous training has resulted in an increasing number of laboratories using certified chemicals every year.
Mahidol University has joined the National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT) for implementing the research laboratory's safety management policies since 2015. The university has participated in the Enhancement of Safety Practice of Research Laboratory in Thailand (ESPReL) project with the National Research Universities. To encourage researchers to be aware of safety. Creating safe cultures and environments, hygienic management of hazardous waste in the laboratory as well as developing the potential of staff at all levels that conducive to the continuous development of safety in research laboratories.