Operations for Sustainability

Operations for Sustainability
Operations for Sustainability
Operate the University in a sustainable manners
Energy Efficiency
Green Procurement
Greenhouse Gases (GHGs)
Landscape & Building
Water Consumption
Circular Economy
Effective communication
Occupational Safety and Health (OSH)
Sustainable and ethical in restaurant policy
Organization unit that promotes sustainable development
Strategic Goals
1. To be leader in national and international health policies that could direct the society
2. To be a regional university with excellency in:
- Academic services hub
- Medical services hub
- Wellness hub
- Medical product and device hub
Strategic Intiatives
1. Build systems that drive and promote policy advocacy
2. Strive to all kinds of service system with international standard certification
3. Create management system for excellency in academic services
4. Promote and drive service hub building, including a hub or cluster of medical product and device
5. Expand the efficacy and accessibility quality service to target groups internationally
6. Cooperate with partners in developing services, researches, innovations and new products in response with social needs which could be transferred to commercial use
7. Develop process that integrates culture, economy, and technology to create creative economy
8. Promote leadership in creating internationally-qualified accreditation/certified body
Case Study
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    28 Oct. 2565
    Clean Water and Sustainable Water Management: A Case Study of Kanchanaburi Campus’’s Water Supply System
    Mahidol University Kanchanaburi Campus has developed a water supply system to ensure access to clean water throughout the campus and surrounding communities. The system meets regional water supply standards and WHO recommendations, promoting sustainable development and fulfilling Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation. The university has signed a cooperation agreement with local authorities to provide clean water services to the communities.
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    18 Oct. 2565
    Good Governance of Mahidol University
    Mahidol University has a policy to develop the organization to be effective and good governance. That aims to be determined as a world-class university.
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    7 Oct. 2565
    MU Green Rankings
    MU Green Rankings is the tool for assessment of environmental and sustainability performance of faculties or departments in Mahidol University
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    1 Jul. 2565
    Ramathibodi Home Chemotherapy Model (RHCM)
    Ramathibodi Home Chemotherapy Model increases the effectiveness of treatment, reduces costs, improves the quality of life for patients, as well as improves Thailand’’s cancer care system for people’’s health sustainability
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    03 04
    15 May 2566
    The Social Network Development for Driving Policy of Early Childhood Development in the 10TH Health Region
    Combining the power of social networks to develop model sub-districts and a model district in early childhood development in the 10TH health region based on the triangle that moves the mountain concept and 4 principles of development of early childhood care by local communities: using the area as a base for development; Taking health into account in every policy the creation of having Participation and building a sense of belonging to the local community.
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    03 12
    30 Jun. 2565
    Food and Biological Safety Assessment Laboratory (Analysis of pesticide residues in vegetables and fruits)
    Bringing laboratory and clinical analytical potential to promote the development of safe agricultural products with high value to support the health food market and food for the future
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    30 Aug. 2566
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    03 11 12
    30 Jun. 2565
    Hazardous Waste Management Company Performance Assessment Project
    Mahidol University is a teaching and learning university. Mainly medical and scientific research. From Occupational Safety, Health and Workplace Environment policies and practices 2014. To concerning support for proper use of resources and have an efficient waste management system. The Center for Occupational Safety, Health and Workplace Environment (COSHEM) has therefore established a hazard management project within the university. Chemical hazardous waste projects and biological hazardous waste projects are established. By managing waste systems including waste sorting, waste storage, and waste disposal. The Center for Occupational Safety, Health and Workplace Environment (COSHEM) is a central agency for the coordination and procurement of hazardous waste disposal companies that operate under the control and supervision of government agencies and has been certified as required by law and receive hazardous waste disposal within the faculty/division.
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    12 15 17
    7 Oct. 2565
    Safety and Hazardous Waste Management
    Waste management policies. Waste management policies implementation.
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    11 13
    24 Jan. 2566
    TOD City Development and Sustainable Communities Guidelines
    The concept of city and community is developed along with the transportation infrastructure. We focus on the development of areas around public transport stations that are the center of travel connections. The model of city has been determined for maximum benefit to create a quality community that is pleasant to live, attractive for business investment, and encourage to travel by public transport. The concept of TOD city management is to change the expansion of a scattered city to a compact city by using guidelines that will reduce the burden of city growth. Transport infrastructure is the backbone of urban development and expansion. Transit Oriented Development (TOD) urban development The concept of city and community is developed along with the transportation infrastructure. We focus on the development of areas around public transport stations that are the center of travel connections. The model of city has been determined for maximum benefit to create a quality community that is pleasant to live, attractive for business investment, and encourage to travel by public transport. The concept of TOD city management is to change the expansion of a scattered city to a compact city by using guidelines that will reduce the burden of city growth. Transit Oriented Development (TOD) will solve urban problems and benefit communities. The government will have clear and concrete guidelines for managing the city, changing travel behavior from private cars to public transport will help reduce pollution, and providing facilities for walking or cycling will reduce travel by private cars. In addition, the local economy will develop to fit every lifestyle, including residential areas, commercial areas, business areas, and public areas. Utilities are available and accessible to everyone, saving travel costs, reducing energy consumption, and fostering a good environment in the community.
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    02 03 12
    10 Oct. 2565
    Mahidol University Cafeteria
    Mahidol University cafeterias are available in several locations to support the needs of students, personnel, and the general public. There are a wide variety of food products that meet the needs of consumers.
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    15 May 2566
    The development of health promotion model and income generation for the older adults at the day care center by community
    The development of health promotion model and income generation for the older adults at the day care center is the creation area for older adults to do activities together every Monday to Friday. There is a working group mechanism in day care center management. There are volunteer teachers to create 12 learning bases and there is a day care center fund for the older adults to support the budget for organizing activities
Number of items 22 Items