Decent work and Economic Growth

Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.

Mahidol University is widely recognized for producing medical and public-health professionals who drive the development of the public health system for the nation, and also for producing graduates in other fields for the global labor market. The University takes into vital consideration the well-being of its personnel by supporting welfare and benefits covering all services, including medical treatment, services, and other University facilities. Career progression is divided into two main tracks: academic staff and support staff. For the academic staff track, instructors and researchers are able to be promoted to higher levels, such as senior researcher level 1-4, assistant professor, associate professor, and professor. Support staff can be promoted to higher levels from senior professional level, expert level, and advisory level. Additional financial supports include Mahidol University provident funds, various grants, and performance evaluation linked to fair remuneration. Under good governance, performance evaluations are conducted two times each year for all levels. Mahidol University is playing a significant role during the COVID-19 pandemic by teaching and developing business skills for people who are affected. Due to the pandemic, supermarkets, companies, service providers, etc. have been unable to operate, and consequently the unemployment rate has increased. Therefore, Mahidol University has offered short-term online courses for Upskill and Reskill, such as trading and creating new careers, the fundamentals of branding, startup, business funding entrepreneurship, and innovation for seniors, tourism businesses and management services in the fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0 era), etc. These have helped to create opportunities to start online business channels to derive sustainable living incomes.

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    15 May 2566
    The development of health promotion model and income generation for the older adults at the day care center by community
    The development of health promotion model and income generation for the older adults at the day care center is the creation area for older adults to do activities together every Monday to Friday. There is a working group mechanism in day care center management. There are volunteer teachers to create 12 learning bases and there is a day care center fund for the older adults to support the budget for organizing activities
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    10 Aug. 2565
    Check dam helps to preserve the soil, increase soil moisture, and bring benefits to the surrounding community and the environment.
    Mahidol University Kanchanaburi Campus collaborated with Siam Cement Group Packaging to construct 427 check dams to control water flow and reduce soil erosion. A research project monitored the natural resources in the area of the sustainable check dam, revealing increased soil moisture and a return of wildlife. The check dams have decreased flooding and the Kanchanaburi Campus recognizes their responsibility to maintain them.
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    14 03 08
    18 Oct. 2565
    Marine Spatial Planning: Application to local practices
    This project assembles data from multiple countries, including the U.S., in order to coordinate a meeting of all stakeholders. It is anticipated that this will produce guidelines to shape maritime practices in the test areas in the coming year.
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    16 08 10
    31 Aug. 2565
    Institute of Human Rights and Peace Studies
    Our research team produced various teaching tools to raise awareness of child trafficking because we believe that all children including migrant students are equally entitled to human rights. Therefore, they should be protected from all forms of human exploitation irrespective of their or their parent’s race, colour, sex, language, religion, national, ethnic or social origin, political or other opinion, property, disability, birth or other status.
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    29 Aug. 2565
    Career Development and Business Incubation for People with Disabilities Two Career Training Courses: ‘from Herbal Crude Drugs’ and ‘from Flora and Plants’
    From 18th-20th July 2022, The Thai Health Promotion Foundation, Ratchasuda Colleague, and The Project of Institute Establishment for Sireeruckhachati Nature Learning Park of Mahidol University – under the funded project titled “Enhancing learning capacity for sustainable well-being of people with disabilities” with the sub-project (Objective 1.4) involving career development and business incubation for people with disabilities – jointly organized career training in two courses: ‘from Herbal Crude Drugs’ and ‘from Flora and Plants’. Both of the courses were developed in the way of engaging disabled learners in an authentic learning experience through a series of DIY activities, and were delivered both online and onsite at the location of the learners. This sub-project (Objective 1.4) is led by Associate Professor Dr Nuttaneeya Torugsa, Director of the Project of Institute Establishment for Sireeruckhachati Nature Learning Park.
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    24 Aug. 2565
    Development of Piroon cassava
    Development and selection of cassava varieties for higher starch content and yield, using conventional breeding combined with marker-assisted selection. Molecular markers associated with the traits were developed for the selection process.
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    27 Jun. 2565
    Developing clean and safe street food with reduced sugars, fats, and sodium and increased in dietary fiber
    Developing clean and safe street food with reduced sugars, fats, and sodium and increased in dietary fiber
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    10 Mar. 2565
    Mahidol’’’’s Organic Rice Farmers’ networking activities
    Organic rice farmers, customers, and related communities’ network to increase guideline standards. Introduction: The research and Academic Outreach Center of Bueng Borapeth, Nakhonsawan sees the problem of the lack of confidence of customers of organic rice and farmers that lack standards for product certifications.