Life Below Water

Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development.

Mahidol University is committed to being a leader in sustainability, having recognized the importance of marine ecosystem conservation, and is promoting the utilization of marine resources for sustainable development. The University has developed unicellular-algae technology to produce double-stranded RNA to control viral disease in shrimp, which affects the aquaculture industry. Therefore, the Center of Excellence for Shrimp Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (CENTEX Shrimp), in the Faculty of Science, is collaborating with the National Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology to produce stranded RNA in chloroplasts of microalgae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii to help control shrimp disease outbreaks. As a consequence of utilizing the research results, the impact on the aquaculture industry can effectively be reduced due to decreased virus populations. The University is conducting a prototype project to manage the water retention problem in the wetlands of Bueng Boraphet. The area is biodiverse and suitable for the conservation of aquatic life and the coexistence of people and crocodiles. This area can attract visitors as a new eco-cultural tourism destination. Apart from these, the University campus is well-endowed with water resources and forests over more than 36.4% of its total area. The area comprises the canals surrounding the University, which have been preserved to provide habitats for 54 species of aquatic plants. Mahidol University International College (MUIC) joins hands with the European Union (EU) every academic year to clean the canals and help preserve the canal environment. MUIC has also continuously participated in beach cleaning activities at Koh Sak, to promote an appreciation of marine natural resources. Academic staff from the Faculty of Environment and Resources have collaborated with partners from various organizations, and joined one of the missions of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), to protect coastal and marine ecosystems from coastal erosion, which affects the way of life of coastal communities. Scientific research is used to help improve the living environment in coastal areas while conserving sustainable marine biodiversity.

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    9 May 2566
    Enhancing student understanding and awareness of the mangrove ecosystem by Using the Mangrove Survivor board game
    The Mangrove Survivor Board game can be used to promote understanding of the mangrove ecosystem that connects land and sea. The game has low costs so it can be used in all contexts both inside and outside the classroom.
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    21 Oct. 2565
    The Master Plan of Mahidol University, Salaya Campus, B.E.2551
    The Key Concepts of Mahidol University is Green University
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    14 03 08
    18 Oct. 2565
    Marine Spatial Planning: Application to local practices
    This project assembles data from multiple countries, including the U.S., in order to coordinate a meeting of all stakeholders. It is anticipated that this will produce guidelines to shape maritime practices in the test areas in the coming year.
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    10 Oct. 2565
    Dry Season piloting of the MRC Riverine Plastic Monitoring Protocols
    The increasing threat of plastic pollution to the Mekong River, the MRC Riverine Plastic Monitoring Programme (RPM) to assess the status and trends of macro- and microplastics pollution has been developed. And field pilot of the three (3) protocols of the MRC RPM aiming to obtain knowledge and necessary to adapt the draft monitoring protocols to the situations of the Mekong River prior to conducting a full-scale monitoring.
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    13 07 14
    7 Oct. 2565
    Solar Powered Boat to Promote Sustainable Tourism Policy
    The DASTA and Koh Mak coastal communities can benefit from solar electric boat technology transfer as a tool for tourism management and coral conservation. The solar electric boats will replace the use of motor boat fuel, eliminating carbon emissions and soot contamination from burning that can damage coral reefs. This transfer of technology can help promote sustainable tourism policies and reduce the potential for long-term environmental damage. The communities can use the solar electric boats for a variety of tourism-related activities, including recreation, sightseeing, touring, and fishing. Additionally, the solar electric boats can be used to monitor and protect coral reefs from overfishing, pollution, and other threats. These boats can also be used to create educational programs and promote environmental stewardship among local communities.
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    7 Oct. 2565
    Project: Thai Coast: Coastal Vulnerability, Resilience and Adaptation in Thailand
    The Thai-coast project is helping improve scientific understanding of the vulnerability of Thailand’s coastal communities to hydro-meteorological hazards, including storms, floods and coastal erosion, under future climate change. For the study sites in Krabi and Nakhon Si Thammarat Provinces, key findings are that modelled future climate change indicates more extended and severe floods in Southern Thailand with the risk of flash floods increasing significantly, and erosion and accretion rates are more dramatic on mangrove coastlines compared with sandy coastlines. Despite variable physical and socio-economic resilience, the two study sites have comparable coastal vulnerability index (CVI) values. Project results impact through public engagement, dissemination and dialogue with policy makers and coastal communities.
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    06 14
    25 Aug. 2565
    Recycling Wastewater from Shrimp Pond
    Wastewater from shrimp ponds can be treated and reused in shrimp farming with no effect on shrimp growth or vigor, sustainably conserving the environment, balance, aquatic animals, and creatures.
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    06 14
    27 Sep. 2565
    Master of Engineering Program in Environmental and Water Resources Engineering (International Program)
    Name of Degree and Program Full Title Thai : วิศวกรรมศาสตรมหาบัณฑิต (วิศวกรรมสิ่งแวดล้อมและทรัพยากรน้ำ) Abbreviation Thai : วศ.ม. (วิศวกรรมสิ่งแวดล้อมและทรัพยากรน้ำ) Full Title English : Master of Engineering (Environmental and Water Resources Engineering) Abbreviation English : M.Eng. (Environmental and Water Resources Engineering)