Community and Social Engagement for Sustainability

Community and Social Engagement for Sustainability
Community and Social Engagement for Sustainability
Networking with stakeholders outside the University
Transform scientific knowledge to the society
Engage external stakeholders in supporting MU sustainable initiatives
Capacity Building
Strategic Goals
1. To increase educational and curriculum quality to be diverse and meets the needs of learners
2. To create graduates with global talents
Strategic Intiatives
1. Develop faculty and staff to be effective in terms of education and student affairs with responses to new teaching and learning process
2. Promote curriculums to be certified in international standards while developing flexible, diverse, interdisciplinary integrated curriculums
3. Develop curriculum according to the national strategy for development and human resources efficacy promotion for general people, especially working age and senior age groups
4. Create ecosystems conducive to learning with modern technologies and international atmosphere, creating a digital convergence university
5. Develop student efficacy and student affair activity management process in response to being global citizens and global talents
6. Actively promote and support alumni network to help developing students and the university
7. Develop educational platform for post-graduate students to increase the amount and quality
Case Study
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    07 02 12
    28 Oct. 2565
    Research for Community Project
    Mahidol University Kanchanaburi Campus offers services in consultation, dissemination of information and technology, transmission of technology, and public relations aimed at promoting cooperation in technology transfer. The "Research for Community" project focuses on transferring knowledge and technology to the community, including soil quality analysis, organic fertilizer production, and bio-gas production.
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    10 Aug. 2565
    Check dam helps to preserve the soil, increase soil moisture, and bring benefits to the surrounding community and the environment.
    Mahidol University Kanchanaburi Campus collaborated with Siam Cement Group Packaging to construct 427 check dams to control water flow and reduce soil erosion. A research project monitored the natural resources in the area of the sustainable check dam, revealing increased soil moisture and a return of wildlife. The check dams have decreased flooding and the Kanchanaburi Campus recognizes their responsibility to maintain them.
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    28 Oct. 2565
    Clean Water and Sustainable Water Management: A Case Study of Kanchanaburi Campus’’s Water Supply System
    Mahidol University Kanchanaburi Campus has developed a water supply system to ensure access to clean water throughout the campus and surrounding communities. The system meets regional water supply standards and WHO recommendations, promoting sustainable development and fulfilling Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation. The university has signed a cooperation agreement with local authorities to provide clean water services to the communities.
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    04 03
    11 Mar. 2565
    Mini Master of Management in Health: Mini MM Training Program
    ASEAN Institute for Health Development (AIHD), Mahidol University has collaborated with the Preventive Medicine Association of Thailand to offer the Mini Master of Management in Health: Mini MM Training Program.
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    03 17
    22 Aug. 2565
    H.R.H. Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn’s Mobile Dental Service Center
    Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn has been concerned about the oral health of the people as she has aimed to develop the quality of life of the people living in rural areas, particularly of children and adolescents. To fulfill this purpose, H.R.H. Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn’s Mobile Dental Service Center was initiated. The royal office has established a committee for the H.R.H. Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn’s Mobile Dental Service Center since 1 May 1998. According to the first meeting resolution in 1998, Mahidol University Faculty of Dentistry was assigned as the operation unit, in collaboration with the Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Office, Border Patrol Police Bureau, Provincial Public Health Office, local hospitals, and relevant institutions. They are responsible for planning the schedule to pay visits and provide dental services to the people in accordance with Her Royal Highness’’s graciousness. More than 20 years under the project management, the center has provided dental treatment and oral health education to students and teachers in Border Patrol Police Schools, the schools under the H.R.H.’’s initiative, and underprivileged people across the country. In addition, the role model institution for the “Fun Dee Mee Suk” project (Healthy Teeth, Healthy Life) has been established (on the auspicious occasion of the Anniversary of H.R.H. Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn). The royal officials are trained to be role models having the knowledge to inspire people to sustainably maintain their good oral health.
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    27 Jun. 2565
    Home care nursing for Prolonged Bed-Ridden Patients by a multidisciplinary team
    Related SDGs/ Goals we are supporting through this initiative 03 Good Health and Well-Being Home care nursing for prolonged bed-ridden patients by a multidisciplinary team is the collaboration between Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Dental Hospital (Salaya Campus) and Golden Jubilee Medical Center, in both dental and medical aspects. The objective is to provide Bed-Ridden Patients and elderly patients with equal access to public health services. This project ensures healthy lives and promotes well-being for everyone. Since the start of Home care nursing for prolonged bed-ridden patients by a multidisciplinary team in the fiscal year 2019 to 2022, the project has aimed to provide comprehensive care from a multidisciplinary team to the elderly who are physically unable to travel to the hospital. They can gain access to quality and safe healthcare services for their well-being. The project also promotes overall holistic health in elderly people and raise the quality of elderly people’s life in Thailand.
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    03 04
    15 May 2566
    The Social Network Development for Driving Policy of Early Childhood Development in the 10TH Health Region
    Combining the power of social networks to develop model sub-districts and a model district in early childhood development in the 10TH health region based on the triangle that moves the mountain concept and 4 principles of development of early childhood care by local communities: using the area as a base for development; Taking health into account in every policy the creation of having Participation and building a sense of belonging to the local community.
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    15 May 2566
    Competency development project of leaders and network partners to improve the quality of life of children and families in Sisaket and Mukdahan provinces.
    The operator team is a consultant and speaker in the workshop to develop the competency of leaders and network partners to develop the quality of life of children and families at the provincial, district and sub-district levels, Sisaket Province, totaling 15 days, with a total of 970 participants, and Mukdahan province, 2 projects totaling 4 days, with a total of 194 participants
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    03 04 09
    18 Apr. 2567
    The Developing Health Promotion Systems for Buddhist Monks via Interdisciplinary Teams and Sustainable Community Participation
    Developing health knowledge media and appropriate exercises, along with innovating service systems and health data monitoring for the Buddhist monk community.
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    03 04 17
    27 Oct. 2565
    Active School
    Promoting physical activity in schools seems like an easy task. However, from the situational data on the physical activity of Thai children and youth, it has been pointed out that various obstacles and threats are preventing them from being able to do physical activities that are suitable for them. In order to see “all students are given the opportunity and are able to perform quality and sufficient physical activity opportunities,” there must be systematic tools to promote, design, and play relevant policies and activities. Therefore, a system management tool is needed to support the design and planning of policies and activities that will allow schools to seamlessly integrate physical activity promotion activities into policy and learning activities that do not increase the workload for the school and teachers on duty.
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    03 04 17
    10 Mar. 2565
    Academic training on the good quality of life that thalassemia patients can have, and genetic counseling for pregnant women and husbands who are at risk of having children with thalassemia
    Thalassemia is the most common hereditary chronic anemia disease found in the world, including Thailand. About 5.2% of the world’’s population are carriers of thalassemia and hemoglobin disorders.
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    03 10
    13 May 2566
    Net PAMA Classroom
    Result, our division created Net PAMA, or Internet-based Parent Management Training. Net PAMA is divided into two courses: Double Down Course and Intensive Course, from which participants can select the course that best suits their needs. Furthermore, through Net PAMA, we have improved our ability to assist families with internet access issues in developing their parent management skills.
Number of items 64 Items