Community and Social Engagement for Sustainability

Community and Social Engagement for Sustainability
Community and Social Engagement for Sustainability
Networking with stakeholders outside the University
Transform scientific knowledge to the society
Engage external stakeholders in supporting MU sustainable initiatives
Capacity Building
Strategic Goals
1. To increase educational and curriculum quality to be diverse and meets the needs of learners
2. To create graduates with global talents
Strategic Intiatives
1. Develop faculty and staff to be effective in terms of education and student affairs with responses to new teaching and learning process
2. Promote curriculums to be certified in international standards while developing flexible, diverse, interdisciplinary integrated curriculums
3. Develop curriculum according to the national strategy for development and human resources efficacy promotion for general people, especially working age and senior age groups
4. Create ecosystems conducive to learning with modern technologies and international atmosphere, creating a digital convergence university
5. Develop student efficacy and student affair activity management process in response to being global citizens and global talents
6. Actively promote and support alumni network to help developing students and the university
7. Develop educational platform for post-graduate students to increase the amount and quality
Case Study
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    15 May 2566
    Promotion of Human Rights Education in Southeast-Asia
    Promotion of Human Rights Education in Southeast-Asia is one of the strategic programs of the Institute of Human Rights and Peace Studies, Mahidol University. The Institute of Human Rights and Peace Studies (IHRP) has been engaging in the promotion of human rights education within South-east Asian region for more than a decade. Apart from the human rights and peace academic programs at the post-graduate levels, the IHRP works in collaboration with international organizations to strengthen capacities, skills and knowledge on human rights and peace education for the scholars in Southeast Asian countries. Recently, the focus is on Myanmar scholars whose access to education was disrupted by the coup d’etat in 2021.
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    16 08 10
    31 Aug. 2565
    Institute of Human Rights and Peace Studies
    Our research team produced various teaching tools to raise awareness of child trafficking because we believe that all children including migrant students are equally entitled to human rights. Therefore, they should be protected from all forms of human exploitation irrespective of their or their parent’s race, colour, sex, language, religion, national, ethnic or social origin, political or other opinion, property, disability, birth or other status.
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    2 Mar. 2565
    Interfaith Buddy for Peace: The Weavers of Peace and Harmony in Thai Society
    Interfaith Buddy for Peace: The Weavers of Peace and Harmony in Thai Society project applies dialogues as the start to bring trust and harmony and to ultimately bring peace to the three southern border provinces of Thailand where there are still deep-rooted conflicts in with different thoughts, beliefs, ideology, and culture. This is one of the projects receiving Mahidol University’s social guiding policy driving fund to promote research which leads to social guiding by applying healthcare to build trust and lead to concrete relationship weaving. Lessons learned were extracted and offered as peace and harmony policies in Thai society by applying 40 sub-seminar field tools in six southern border provinces. There were 170 people in attendance. The researcher used interview techniques and created sub-discussions in the areas to build understanding, to weave relationships and trust. Discussions were used to add trust and initiate a cross-religion relationship. Public stages were used to create more empathy, more understanding, and bonding across the communities, expanding network for people to take care of one another, as well as design the communities to exchange their experiences through their suffering and loss before becoming friends who support each other in aspects, including healthcare, especially during COVID-19 pandemic. This could bring mobilization opportunities for friends of different religions to handle the COVID-19 pandemic.
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    4 Apr. 2567
    RILCA Empowerment: Creating Refugees, Migrants as Agents of Positive Change
    The Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia, Mahidol University initiates a project addressing challenges faced by Myanmar migrants in Thailand. Empowering volunteer teachers, it promotes equality, quality education, decent work, and peace. Through training and support, it cultivates global citizenship and fosters integration, benefiting both individuals and society.
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    24 Jan. 2566
    TOD City Development and Sustainable Communities Guidelines
    The concept of city and community is developed along with the transportation infrastructure. We focus on the development of areas around public transport stations that are the center of travel connections. The model of city has been determined for maximum benefit to create a quality community that is pleasant to live, attractive for business investment, and encourage to travel by public transport. The concept of TOD city management is to change the expansion of a scattered city to a compact city by using guidelines that will reduce the burden of city growth. Transport infrastructure is the backbone of urban development and expansion. Transit Oriented Development (TOD) urban development The concept of city and community is developed along with the transportation infrastructure. We focus on the development of areas around public transport stations that are the center of travel connections. The model of city has been determined for maximum benefit to create a quality community that is pleasant to live, attractive for business investment, and encourage to travel by public transport. The concept of TOD city management is to change the expansion of a scattered city to a compact city by using guidelines that will reduce the burden of city growth. Transit Oriented Development (TOD) will solve urban problems and benefit communities. The government will have clear and concrete guidelines for managing the city, changing travel behavior from private cars to public transport will help reduce pollution, and providing facilities for walking or cycling will reduce travel by private cars. In addition, the local economy will develop to fit every lifestyle, including residential areas, commercial areas, business areas, and public areas. Utilities are available and accessible to everyone, saving travel costs, reducing energy consumption, and fostering a good environment in the community.
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    31 Aug. 2565
    School-based Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) for Youth with Hearing Impairment
    The project implementation “Development of curriculum and teaching methods for comprehensive sexuality education for youth with hearing impairments in schools for the audio education” to develop curriculum and teaching methods for sexuality education. suitable for young people with hearing impairments in schools for audio education with participation including communication to stimulate and raise awareness among relevant agencies/sectors. Emphasis on the importance of effective and quality sexuality education among young people with hearing impairments.
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    23 Jun. 2565
    Activities Promote Gender Equality
    As Mahidol University International College recognizes the importance of gender equality, MUIC organizations, including Divisions, Student Affair, Student Association, and Student Clubs, have held several activities to promote gender equality on a continual basis.
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    15 May 2566
    The development of health promotion model and income generation for the older adults at the day care center by community
    The development of health promotion model and income generation for the older adults at the day care center is the creation area for older adults to do activities together every Monday to Friday. There is a working group mechanism in day care center management. There are volunteer teachers to create 12 learning bases and there is a day care center fund for the older adults to support the budget for organizing activities
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    06 12 17
    29 Aug. 2565
    Ten years in Participating in the Development of Bueng Boraped- Mahidol University Nakhon Sawan Campus.
    Nakhonsawan campus’’s primary goal is to foster reliance on the network for learning, and by supporting each other, a strong network for sustainability can be created.
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    03 11 17
    11 Mar. 2565
    The Tobacco Control Research and Knowledge Management Center
    Academic Center for the Control and Prevention of Tobacco Consumption Problems in Thailand
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    04 01 17
    26 Aug. 2565
    The support and help poor early childhood groups in early childhood development centres in Bangkok under the situation of COVID-19
    The information system for planning to reduce inequality in education and follow up to help early childhood groups in the preschool child development centres by supporting the search, screening, and assisting poor early childhood children in households affected by the COVID-19 situation and develop a network of cooperation.
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    03 17
    11 Mar. 2565
    Children Protection Strengthening
    An injury is one of the major causes of death in children nowadays and tends to be troublesome in the near future. Consequently, the knowledge of this matter and its application are the necessity to make a viral change in human behaviors, environment, public policy, knowledge dissemination, social awareness, and state actors.
Number of items 64 Items