Community and Social Engagement for Sustainability

Community and Social Engagement for Sustainability
Community and Social Engagement for Sustainability
Networking with stakeholders outside the University
Transform scientific knowledge to the society
Engage external stakeholders in supporting MU sustainable initiatives
Capacity Building
Strategic Goals
1. To increase educational and curriculum quality to be diverse and meets the needs of learners
2. To create graduates with global talents
Strategic Intiatives
1. Develop faculty and staff to be effective in terms of education and student affairs with responses to new teaching and learning process
2. Promote curriculums to be certified in international standards while developing flexible, diverse, interdisciplinary integrated curriculums
3. Develop curriculum according to the national strategy for development and human resources efficacy promotion for general people, especially working age and senior age groups
4. Create ecosystems conducive to learning with modern technologies and international atmosphere, creating a digital convergence university
5. Develop student efficacy and student affair activity management process in response to being global citizens and global talents
6. Actively promote and support alumni network to help developing students and the university
7. Develop educational platform for post-graduate students to increase the amount and quality
Case Study
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    31 Aug. 2565
    School-based Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) for Youth with Hearing Impairment
    The project implementation “Development of curriculum and teaching methods for comprehensive sexuality education for youth with hearing impairments in schools for the audio education” to develop curriculum and teaching methods for sexuality education. suitable for young people with hearing impairments in schools for audio education with participation including communication to stimulate and raise awareness among relevant agencies/sectors. Emphasis on the importance of effective and quality sexuality education among young people with hearing impairments.
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    17 03 10
    31 Aug. 2565
    The study of a model development of primary health care services integrated with social services for persons with disabilities project
    The study of a model development of primary health care services integrated with social services for persons with disabilities project is a project that Ratchasuda College Mahidol University. Received support from the Thai Health Promotion Foundation to bring the policy into practice by collaborating with government network partners and the public sector, including the National Health Security Office (NHSO), Sirindhorn National Medical Rehabilitation Institute (SNMRI) Ministry of Public Health, Thailand Council for Independent Living and Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities Ministry of Social Development and Human Security. To drive policy into action to achieve sustainability (SDG 17) in the development/care of the health and well-being of people with disabilities (SDG 3) is to increase opportunities. /reduce disparity on access to health and social services for people with disabilities (SDG 10).
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    16 08 10
    31 Aug. 2565
    Institute of Human Rights and Peace Studies
    Our research team produced various teaching tools to raise awareness of child trafficking because we believe that all children including migrant students are equally entitled to human rights. Therefore, they should be protected from all forms of human exploitation irrespective of their or their parent’s race, colour, sex, language, religion, national, ethnic or social origin, political or other opinion, property, disability, birth or other status.
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    06 12 17
    29 Aug. 2565
    Ten years in Participating in the Development of Bueng Boraped- Mahidol University Nakhon Sawan Campus.
    Nakhonsawan campus’’s primary goal is to foster reliance on the network for learning, and by supporting each other, a strong network for sustainability can be created.
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    02 03 17
    29 Aug. 2565
    The safety restaurant of its customers and is committed to supporting the Khao Thong Community Health Sustainable project.
    The Nakhon Sawan Campus Project is located in Khao Thong Subdistrict, Phayuha Khiri District, Nakhon Sawan Province, which is about 15 kilometres away from the city. The community’’s living and food habits resemble those of a rural area.
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    05 01 04
    24 Jul. 2565
    Capacity Building for Female Entrepreneurs and Leadership Learning Program for Transwomen in Business Organizations
    Reducing the gender gap in business sector, and expanding the number of female executives are two key goals for advancing gender parity. As a result, this initiative is propelled by a number of events and initiatives aimed at educating the public about the importance of women in business. Actions include a public conference on International Women’’s Day, two research projects, a program on leadership encoding among women in positions of power, and an examination of the competencies required of transwomen in the leadership position.
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    27 Jun. 2565
    Developing clean and safe street food with reduced sugars, fats, and sodium and increased in dietary fiber
    Developing clean and safe street food with reduced sugars, fats, and sodium and increased in dietary fiber
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    30 Jun. 2565
    The Participatory Action Research on the Innovative Design of Garbage Bins for Waste Segregation for All
    Currently, individuals with disabilities often face challenges in participating in waste segregation due to the use of color-coded garbage bins for disposal. This system poses limitations for individuals with visual disabilities or impairments.This Participatory Workshop Research on the Innovative Design of Garbage Bins for Waste Segregation for All.
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    27 Jun. 2565
    Home care nursing for Prolonged Bed-Ridden Patients by a multidisciplinary team
    Related SDGs/ Goals we are supporting through this initiative 03 Good Health and Well-Being Home care nursing for prolonged bed-ridden patients by a multidisciplinary team is the collaboration between Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Dental Hospital (Salaya Campus) and Golden Jubilee Medical Center, in both dental and medical aspects. The objective is to provide Bed-Ridden Patients and elderly patients with equal access to public health services. This project ensures healthy lives and promotes well-being for everyone. Since the start of Home care nursing for prolonged bed-ridden patients by a multidisciplinary team in the fiscal year 2019 to 2022, the project has aimed to provide comprehensive care from a multidisciplinary team to the elderly who are physically unable to travel to the hospital. They can gain access to quality and safe healthcare services for their well-being. The project also promotes overall holistic health in elderly people and raise the quality of elderly people’s life in Thailand.
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    23 Jun. 2565
    Knowledge to share project 13th, Gen Z “Say No” by nursing students’ power stop smoking: New normal; Commit to quit
    The "No Smoking" campaign was established under the project Gen Z "Say No" to educate nursing students, and students realized the hazards and dangers of tobacco and electric cigarettes.
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    04 01 03
    23 Jun. 2565
    Monitoring and Evaluation Project for Implementation and Development of Providing Help for Early Childhood Children in Poverty in Child Development Center and Out-of-School Children in Bangkok
    Early childhood is the stage for building a foundation for child growth and further learning in life. A great number of children in early childhood lack proper caregiving and development promotion resulting in an impact on a group of children to lack an opportunity to be nurtured well. Studying the situation of children in early childhood which is the vulnerable group in Bangkok and potential development of caregiver volunteers for the mentioned group of children could be used to improve caregiving for children in vulnerable group in Bangkok to be prepared for primary school learning.
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    23 Jun. 2565
    The development of pattern in mental health promotion and protection in secondary school students.
    In the present, the population all ages have an increasing number of mental health problems, especially among child and adolescence. The faculty of nursing, Mahidol University and the Faculty of engineering, Kasetsart university jointly developed the innovation mobile application in the name of “MU My Mind” for mental health screening, promoting and protecting secondary school students in Phutthamonthon district, Nakhonphatom province.
Number of items 60 Items