Case Study

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    2 Sep. 2565
    Developing the evaluation system on the impact of distance from villages on mammal status and distribution using camera trap in the target area for conservation expansion at Ta-riu watershed, Khao Soi Dao wildlife sanctuary: an approach for conservation p
    Besides being one of the main headwaters of Chanthaburi river, North Ta-riu sub-tributary, Khao Soi Dao wildlife sanctuary has been the habitat of many endangered mammals with the efforts of community-based conservation by local people for more than a decade. However, these ecosystem services will be destroyed if the Khlong Ta Liu Dam project of the Royal Irrigation Department was successfully re-proposed to construct in this area.
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    16 10
    1 Sep. 2565
    Weaving Peace Together (WPT)
    The project on ‘Weaving Peace (in the South) Together’ (WPT) was before called ‘Intra-Buddhist dialogue for Majority-Minority Coexistence in Thailand’, which began in 2015, is a project aimed at conflict transformation in the South of Thailand. The Buddhist minority in the southern border provinces has felt marginalized in efforts to address the situation in the South. The sense of exclusion and passive victimhood in the Buddhist community has contributed to their isolation from other communities and their suspicion towards initiatives to build peace in the South. The project’s main engine for change is the group Weaving Peace Together (WPT). The group was established by the project in 2016 as a safe space to build a common understanding amongst different tendencies and groupings within the Buddhist community which will lead on to constructive efforts by the group to contribute to conflict transformation in the South. In order to empower the group, strategies and activities are developed jointly by them and the project partners. To further enhance the ownership of, and commitment to WPT group by its members, specific sub-projects proposed by WPT members are managed directly by sub-groups of WPT.
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    13 02
    1 Sep. 2565
    Climate change Resilience of Indigenous SocioEcological systems (RISE)
    The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was created by United Nations. It emphasizes the right of living in the land, boundary and the use of resources of ethnic groups which have lived, occupied, and used for long time. In this context, ethnic groups have the right to live,to find food and continueto live in a traditional way. This makes the maintenance of traditional and sustainable food systems an urgent priority for the United Nations. It has been made as United Nations Permanent Forum of Indigenous Peoples’ Issues: UNPFII for ethnic groups officially. However, despite important declarations supporting ethnic groups, but they are highly still vulnerable to climate changes, environmental crises, and other factors.
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    16 10 17
    1 Sep. 2565
    Mahidol University’s participation in supporting the peace process in the southern border provinces, Thailand.
    Institute of Human Rights and Peace Studies (IHRP) and the Council of Civil Society in Southern Border Provinces recognizes the importance of the peace dialogue process in solving ethno-political conflict in the Deep South. This project utilized a dialogue process to create a space for collaboration between influential actors (including Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), scholars, and politicians) in solving socio-political problems. The project has continued for many years with the support of Mahidol University. In 2019 with a support of the project, the politicians and CSOs was agreed to sign the “Joint Agreement between Politicians and Civil Society for Southern Border Peace.” and agreed to mutually push forward an "establishment of a committee on the peace dialogue process" through parliamentary mechanisms.
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    31 Aug. 2565
    School-based Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) for Youth with Hearing Impairment
    The project implementation “Development of curriculum and teaching methods for comprehensive sexuality education for youth with hearing impairments in schools for the audio education” to develop curriculum and teaching methods for sexuality education. suitable for young people with hearing impairments in schools for audio education with participation including communication to stimulate and raise awareness among relevant agencies/sectors. Emphasis on the importance of effective and quality sexuality education among young people with hearing impairments.
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    17 03 10
    31 Aug. 2565
    The study of a model development of primary health care services integrated with social services for persons with disabilities project
    The study of a model development of primary health care services integrated with social services for persons with disabilities project is a project that Ratchasuda College Mahidol University. Received support from the Thai Health Promotion Foundation to bring the policy into practice by collaborating with government network partners and the public sector, including the National Health Security Office (NHSO), Sirindhorn National Medical Rehabilitation Institute (SNMRI) Ministry of Public Health, Thailand Council for Independent Living and Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities Ministry of Social Development and Human Security. To drive policy into action to achieve sustainability (SDG 17) in the development/care of the health and well-being of people with disabilities (SDG 3) is to increase opportunities. /reduce disparity on access to health and social services for people with disabilities (SDG 10).
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    16 08 10
    31 Aug. 2565
    Institute of Human Rights and Peace Studies
    Our research team produced various teaching tools to raise awareness of child trafficking because we believe that all children including migrant students are equally entitled to human rights. Therefore, they should be protected from all forms of human exploitation irrespective of their or their parent’s race, colour, sex, language, religion, national, ethnic or social origin, political or other opinion, property, disability, birth or other status.
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    06 12 17
    29 Aug. 2565
    Ten years in Participating in the Development of Bueng Boraped- Mahidol University Nakhon Sawan Campus.
    Nakhonsawan campus’’s primary goal is to foster reliance on the network for learning, and by supporting each other, a strong network for sustainability can be created.
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    02 03 17
    29 Aug. 2565
    The safety restaurant of its customers and is committed to supporting the Khao Thong Community Health Sustainable project.
    The Nakhon Sawan Campus Project is located in Khao Thong Subdistrict, Phayuha Khiri District, Nakhon Sawan Province, which is about 15 kilometres away from the city. The community’’s living and food habits resemble those of a rural area.
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    03 17
    29 Aug. 2565
    Community participation in palliative care at home: Khao Thong Subdistrict Phayuhakhiri District Nakhonsawan Province
    All citizens have equal access to health services. Palliative care at home is a health service that has a tendency to increase in demand. Participation of communities and primary health care providers will lead to inclusive and sustainable delivery of services in the community. There is a tendency of people’’s needs for palliative care at home to increase. Because of the incidence of chronic, serious, life-threatening diseases, including the increasing proportion of the elderly, the number of terminal illness patients and the elderly at the end of life has increased accordingly. Palliative care is taking care of physical ailments, holistic mental, social and spiritual problems from the first stage of diagnosis to being in the palliative stage until the patient’’s death.
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    29 Aug. 2565
    Career Development and Business Incubation for People with Disabilities Two Career Training Courses: ‘from Herbal Crude Drugs’ and ‘from Flora and Plants’
    From 18th-20th July 2022, The Thai Health Promotion Foundation, Ratchasuda Colleague, and The Project of Institute Establishment for Sireeruckhachati Nature Learning Park of Mahidol University – under the funded project titled “Enhancing learning capacity for sustainable well-being of people with disabilities” with the sub-project (Objective 1.4) involving career development and business incubation for people with disabilities – jointly organized career training in two courses: ‘from Herbal Crude Drugs’ and ‘from Flora and Plants’. Both of the courses were developed in the way of engaging disabled learners in an authentic learning experience through a series of DIY activities, and were delivered both online and onsite at the location of the learners. This sub-project (Objective 1.4) is led by Associate Professor Dr Nuttaneeya Torugsa, Director of the Project of Institute Establishment for Sireeruckhachati Nature Learning Park.
Number of items 105 Items