Case Study

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    17 04
    25 Jul. 2565
    Norwegian Scholarships Projects - Mahidol & Norway Capacity Building for Myanmar and ASEAN Countries
    This project aims to support capacity building to ensure the education equity of minorities in Myanmar and five ASEAN countries including Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Indonesia, and the Philippines plus Nepal.
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    03 11 12
    30 Jun. 2565
    Hazardous Waste Management Company Performance Assessment Project
    Mahidol University is a teaching and learning university. Mainly medical and scientific research. From Occupational Safety, Health and Workplace Environment policies and practices 2014. To concerning support for proper use of resources and have an efficient waste management system. The Center for Occupational Safety, Health and Workplace Environment (COSHEM) has therefore established a hazard management project within the university. Chemical hazardous waste projects and biological hazardous waste projects are established. By managing waste systems including waste sorting, waste storage, and waste disposal. The Center for Occupational Safety, Health and Workplace Environment (COSHEM) is a central agency for the coordination and procurement of hazardous waste disposal companies that operate under the control and supervision of government agencies and has been certified as required by law and receive hazardous waste disposal within the faculty/division.
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    12 15 17
    7 Oct. 2565
    Safety and Hazardous Waste Management
    Waste management policies. Waste management policies implementation.
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    04 10 17
    11 Apr. 2567
    Braille Books for Blinds Project
    A team of MUIC students pursued a community service project entitled “Braille Books for Blinds Project (BBB Project)” as part of the ICGS 145 Service-Learning – Management of Community Service Project course. A fundraising event was organized to raise funds for making extra-curricular braille books for blind students at the Bangkok School for the Blind.
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    16 10 17
    1 Sep. 2565
    Mahidol University’s participation in supporting the peace process in the southern border provinces, Thailand.
    Institute of Human Rights and Peace Studies (IHRP) and the Council of Civil Society in Southern Border Provinces recognizes the importance of the peace dialogue process in solving ethno-political conflict in the Deep South. This project utilized a dialogue process to create a space for collaboration between influential actors (including Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), scholars, and politicians) in solving socio-political problems. The project has continued for many years with the support of Mahidol University. In 2019 with a support of the project, the politicians and CSOs was agreed to sign the “Joint Agreement between Politicians and Civil Society for Southern Border Peace.” and agreed to mutually push forward an "establishment of a committee on the peace dialogue process" through parliamentary mechanisms.
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    15 May 2566
    Promotion of Human Rights Education in Southeast-Asia
    Promotion of Human Rights Education in Southeast-Asia is one of the strategic programs of the Institute of Human Rights and Peace Studies, Mahidol University. The Institute of Human Rights and Peace Studies (IHRP) has been engaging in the promotion of human rights education within South-east Asian region for more than a decade. Apart from the human rights and peace academic programs at the post-graduate levels, the IHRP works in collaboration with international organizations to strengthen capacities, skills and knowledge on human rights and peace education for the scholars in Southeast Asian countries. Recently, the focus is on Myanmar scholars whose access to education was disrupted by the coup d’etat in 2021.
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    16 10
    1 Sep. 2565
    Weaving Peace Together (WPT)
    The project on ‘Weaving Peace (in the South) Together’ (WPT) was before called ‘Intra-Buddhist dialogue for Majority-Minority Coexistence in Thailand’, which began in 2015, is a project aimed at conflict transformation in the South of Thailand. The Buddhist minority in the southern border provinces has felt marginalized in efforts to address the situation in the South. The sense of exclusion and passive victimhood in the Buddhist community has contributed to their isolation from other communities and their suspicion towards initiatives to build peace in the South. The project’s main engine for change is the group Weaving Peace Together (WPT). The group was established by the project in 2016 as a safe space to build a common understanding amongst different tendencies and groupings within the Buddhist community which will lead on to constructive efforts by the group to contribute to conflict transformation in the South. In order to empower the group, strategies and activities are developed jointly by them and the project partners. To further enhance the ownership of, and commitment to WPT group by its members, specific sub-projects proposed by WPT members are managed directly by sub-groups of WPT.
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    16 08 10
    31 Aug. 2565
    Institute of Human Rights and Peace Studies
    Our research team produced various teaching tools to raise awareness of child trafficking because we believe that all children including migrant students are equally entitled to human rights. Therefore, they should be protected from all forms of human exploitation irrespective of their or their parent’s race, colour, sex, language, religion, national, ethnic or social origin, political or other opinion, property, disability, birth or other status.
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    2 Mar. 2565
    Interfaith Buddy for Peace: The Weavers of Peace and Harmony in Thai Society
    Interfaith Buddy for Peace: The Weavers of Peace and Harmony in Thai Society project applies dialogues as the start to bring trust and harmony and to ultimately bring peace to the three southern border provinces of Thailand where there are still deep-rooted conflicts in with different thoughts, beliefs, ideology, and culture. This is one of the projects receiving Mahidol University’s social guiding policy driving fund to promote research which leads to social guiding by applying healthcare to build trust and lead to concrete relationship weaving. Lessons learned were extracted and offered as peace and harmony policies in Thai society by applying 40 sub-seminar field tools in six southern border provinces. There were 170 people in attendance. The researcher used interview techniques and created sub-discussions in the areas to build understanding, to weave relationships and trust. Discussions were used to add trust and initiate a cross-religion relationship. Public stages were used to create more empathy, more understanding, and bonding across the communities, expanding network for people to take care of one another, as well as design the communities to exchange their experiences through their suffering and loss before becoming friends who support each other in aspects, including healthcare, especially during COVID-19 pandemic. This could bring mobilization opportunities for friends of different religions to handle the COVID-19 pandemic.
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    03 04 17
    4 Apr. 2567
    Network of Excellence in Advanced Information Technology for Tropical Medicine
    Faculty of Tropical Medicine, Mahidol University; Faculty of Veterinary Science, Mahidol University; Ministry of Public Health of Thailand; Southeast Asia One Health University Network (SEAOHUN); Dept. of Livestock Development of Thailand; Vietnam National University of Agriculture; VetAgro Sup; DAAD
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    4 Apr. 2567
    RILCA Empowerment: Creating Refugees, Migrants as Agents of Positive Change
    The Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia, Mahidol University initiates a project addressing challenges faced by Myanmar migrants in Thailand. Empowering volunteer teachers, it promotes equality, quality education, decent work, and peace. Through training and support, it cultivates global citizenship and fosters integration, benefiting both individuals and society.
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    19 Mar. 2567
    Automated Framework for AI Federated Learning in Medical Imaging
    The “Automated Framework for AI Federated Learning in Medical Imaging” is designed to utilize chest X-ray image data and diagnoses from various medical institutions to train deep learning models in a federated framework without exchanging medical image data between the institutions. This approach ensures privacy and security while still enabling collaborative learning. The resulting federated learning model achieves high accuracy by learning from multiple datasets. Furthermore, the global model can be employed to establish a centralized system providing support to medical institutions lacking their own AI systems.
Number of items 112 Items