Case Study

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    10 04
    1 Aug. 2565
    The Faculty of Graduate Studies at Mahidol University provides scholarships for the graduate students with disabilities
    The Faculty of Graduate Studies at Mahidol University provides scholarships for the graduate students with disabilities to enhance their educational opportunities.
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    1 Aug. 2565
    Mahidol Apprenticeship Program (MAP)
    Mahidol Apprenticeship Program (MAP) is another educational platform offered by the Faculty of Graduate Studies, Mahidol University, which allows those who are interested in the post-graduate programs to enhance their skills useful for their professional development in the 21st century and to adapt themselves to a future society that is continually changing and progressing.
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    03 04
    15 May 2566
    The Social Network Development for Driving Policy of Early Childhood Development in the 10TH Health Region
    Combining the power of social networks to develop model sub-districts and a model district in early childhood development in the 10TH health region based on the triangle that moves the mountain concept and 4 principles of development of early childhood care by local communities: using the area as a base for development; Taking health into account in every policy the creation of having Participation and building a sense of belonging to the local community.
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    15 May 2566
    Competency development project of leaders and network partners to improve the quality of life of children and families in Sisaket and Mukdahan provinces.
    The operator team is a consultant and speaker in the workshop to develop the competency of leaders and network partners to develop the quality of life of children and families at the provincial, district and sub-district levels, Sisaket Province, totaling 15 days, with a total of 970 participants, and Mukdahan province, 2 projects totaling 4 days, with a total of 194 participants
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    03 04 09
    18 Apr. 2567
    The Developing Health Promotion Systems for Buddhist Monks via Interdisciplinary Teams and Sustainable Community Participation
    Developing health knowledge media and appropriate exercises, along with innovating service systems and health data monitoring for the Buddhist monk community.
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    03 04 17
    27 Oct. 2565
    Active School
    Promoting physical activity in schools seems like an easy task. However, from the situational data on the physical activity of Thai children and youth, it has been pointed out that various obstacles and threats are preventing them from being able to do physical activities that are suitable for them. In order to see “all students are given the opportunity and are able to perform quality and sufficient physical activity opportunities,” there must be systematic tools to promote, design, and play relevant policies and activities. Therefore, a system management tool is needed to support the design and planning of policies and activities that will allow schools to seamlessly integrate physical activity promotion activities into policy and learning activities that do not increase the workload for the school and teachers on duty.
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    03 04 17
    10 Mar. 2565
    Academic training on the good quality of life that thalassemia patients can have, and genetic counseling for pregnant women and husbands who are at risk of having children with thalassemia
    Thalassemia is the most common hereditary chronic anemia disease found in the world, including Thailand. About 5.2% of the world’’s population are carriers of thalassemia and hemoglobin disorders.
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    24 Aug. 2565
    Development of Piroon cassava
    Development and selection of cassava varieties for higher starch content and yield, using conventional breeding combined with marker-assisted selection. Molecular markers associated with the traits were developed for the selection process.
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    03 12
    30 Jun. 2565
    Food and Biological Safety Assessment Laboratory (Analysis of pesticide residues in vegetables and fruits)
    Bringing laboratory and clinical analytical potential to promote the development of safe agricultural products with high value to support the health food market and food for the future
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    30 Aug. 2566
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    03 10
    13 May 2566
    Net PAMA Classroom
    Result, our division created Net PAMA, or Internet-based Parent Management Training. Net PAMA is divided into two courses: Double Down Course and Intensive Course, from which participants can select the course that best suits their needs. Furthermore, through Net PAMA, we have improved our ability to assist families with internet access issues in developing their parent management skills.
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    03 04 09
    10 Mar. 2565
    Mobile Stroke Unit Tele Consultation and Patient Transfer ; A One-Stop Service for All
    MSU-SOS is a model project that aims to improve the efficiency of teleconsultation and Ischemic stroke treatment using a Mobile Stroke Unit. The onboard CT Scanner, which is teleconsultation compatible, scans an image of the patient’’s brain and communicates with a medical team via 4G/5G technology, a high-speed wireless network, to make an immediate decision to deliver a thrombolytic agent. It also enables the medical team to inject contrast media to monitor cerebrovascular functions, resulting in a faster and more accurate diagnosis and a shorter referral procedure. As a result, the rate of disability, mortality, and loss to the patient and family is lowered, and the expense of the fund for long-term disabled patient care is reduced.
Number of items 112 Items