Good Health and Well-Being

Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.

Mahidol University specializes in the health sciences, with various medical research programs and treatment innovations, and provides knowledge about health to the Thai people. Each year, the University produces many medical graduates, such as doctors, nurses, and paramedical staff. Mahidol University operates 8 hospitals providing healthcare services for all diseases. Between 2020 – 2021, the hospitals treated 11,766,282 outpatients, 284,931 inpatients, and 1,094,908 dental patients. Mahidol also supported medical treatment fees of 4,213,371,169.45 baht for poor patients, to reduce inequality and increase access to medical care. Mahidol University has a variety of specialized disease centers, such as a Stroke Center, Kidney Center, and Cancer Center. The University has driven many projects to promote a healthy lifestyle and organized educational events and conferences about various diseases, such as the activities included in World AIDS Day, World Cancer Day, and World Obesity Day with the correct exercise programs and methods. Furthermore, Mahidol University has established Mahidol University’s Counseling Center, “MU Friends”, to provide mental-health counseling and other supports to students and the public. The Adolescent Clinic counsels young people about the teenage problems that arise as they enter adolescence, such as drug addiction and sex-related matters. The University also provides sports facilities and fitness centers for students and staff. Mahidol University is a smoke-free university that participates in a campaign to educate people about the negative impacts of smoking and persuade people to stop smoking for better health. Mahidol University is a leader and role model in the ASEAN University Network -Health Promotion Network (AUN-HPN), for the purpose of health promotion in the ASEAN region, sharing knowledge, skills and resources to develop innovative solutions to common health challenges in the region.

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    03 04 05
    22 Jun. 2565
    Child and Adolescent Clinic Online Services
    Build knowledge and academic service, and provides developmental promotion services for children with problems from birth to adolescence so that children and youths can be taken care of and corrected promptly and accurately. It will reduce various problems, resulting in children becoming quality citizens of the country.
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    03 04 11
    22 Jun. 2565
    The Project of Thai Youth Fight Against COVID-19, the Year 2020 and 2021: Raising awareness and participation of children and youth to fight against the COVID-19 pandemic
    The National Institute for Child and Family Development at Mahidol University and the Child Safety Promotion and Injury Prevention Research Center (CSIP) at the Faculty of Medicine at Ramathibodi Hospital organized the activities that would allow children, youth, and teenagers to learn about COVID-19 and apply what they learned when they cared for the elderly in their homes.
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    03 11 17
    11 Mar. 2565
    The Tobacco Control Research and Knowledge Management Center
    Academic Center for the Control and Prevention of Tobacco Consumption Problems in Thailand
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    03 17
    11 Mar. 2565
    Children Protection Strengthening
    An injury is one of the major causes of death in children nowadays and tends to be troublesome in the near future. Consequently, the knowledge of this matter and its application are the necessity to make a viral change in human behaviors, environment, public policy, knowledge dissemination, social awareness, and state actors.
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    04 03
    11 Mar. 2565
    Mini Master of Management in Health: Mini MM Training Program
    ASEAN Institute for Health Development (AIHD), Mahidol University has collaborated with the Preventive Medicine Association of Thailand to offer the Mini Master of Management in Health: Mini MM Training Program.
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    11 Mar. 2565
    School of Hospital Management
    Hospital Management Course CEO: Hospital Management for Chief Executive Officer aims to develop hospital administrators to have knowledge being a leader able to effectively manage work in a changing organization.
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    03 04 17
    27 Oct. 2565
    Active School
    Promoting physical activity in schools seems like an easy task. However, from the situational data on the physical activity of Thai children and youth, it has been pointed out that various obstacles and threats are preventing them from being able to do physical activities that are suitable for them. In order to see “all students are given the opportunity and are able to perform quality and sufficient physical activity opportunities,” there must be systematic tools to promote, design, and play relevant policies and activities. Therefore, a system management tool is needed to support the design and planning of policies and activities that will allow schools to seamlessly integrate physical activity promotion activities into policy and learning activities that do not increase the workload for the school and teachers on duty.
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    11 Mar. 2565
    Unlock the potential in every child.
    Mahidol University received a grant from the Austrian Government to create a representative study of children of the Migrant Learning Center (MLC) in Phop Phra and Tha Song Yang Sub-districts in Mae Sot Province to make a comparison with children in the nearby Thai Early Childhood Development Center (ECCD).
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    10 Mar. 2565
    Chemical-free Vegetable Farm
    Chemical-free vegetable farm was initiated in order to provide non-pesticide contaminated vegetables for the university staff, students and nearby communities. The university has selected farmers who have organic vegetables knowledge and experience to reclaim and improve soil quality in the area of 4 rai, where was unused area.
Number of items 57 Items