Parenting in Displacement Study on Thailand-Myanmar Border


Parenting in Displacement: Testing a wraparound model of support for migrant and displaced families from Myanmar

Parenting in Displacement: Testing a wraparound model of support for migrant and displaced families from Myanmar This Scope of Work relates to research activities conducted by the Institute for Population and Social Research (IPSR) at Mahidol University as part of the GPI study, “Parenting in Displacement: Testing a wraparound model of support for migrant and displaced families from Myanmar” The study will test a wraparound approach to improving systems, population, and individual caregiver and child level outcomes among migrant and displaced families on the Thai-Myanmar border. Study objectives are to: 1. Evaluate the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a population-level media campaign adapted from PLH to increase knowledge and skills around positive and playful parenting, reduce acceptance of violence against children, decrease harsh parenting, and promote caregiver and child wellbeing. 2. Evaluate the effectiveness and cost effectiveness of a trauma-informed adaptation of PLH for higher-need caregivers whose outcomes do not improve after delivery of the media campaign. 3. Design, implement, and evaluate strategies to strengthen formal and informal systems for service delivery and sustainability in a volatile displacement context. The study will include the following components: 1. Establishment of Advisory Group 2. Qualitative formative research to inform intervention development 3. Development of media campaign intervention and trauma-informed group parenting intervention 4. Randomized controlled trial evaluations of media campaign intervention and trauma-informed group parenting intervention 5. Implementation research to assess intervention delivery and barriers and facilitators to uptake and scale up 6. Dissemination, knowledge translation, and advocacy to promote uptake and scale up of interventions Study setting and participants Parent/caregiver and child focus group participants The study will be conducted in Mae Sot, Phop Phra, Mae Ramat, and Tha Song Yang districts in Tak province, Thailand. These districts were selected through discussions with our local partner organizations Mae Tao Clinic, Help Without Frontiers, and Sermpanya Foundation, who all have extensive experience working with the large population of migrants and displaced families from Myanmar in these districts. At the beginning of the study, we will collaborate with local partner organizations to purposively select specific communities for conducting data collection. Communities will be selected to represent a broad and diverse range of characteristics such as community size, urban vs. rural, and language spoken (e.g. Burmese and Karen). Key informant interview participants The research team will also work closely with local partner organizations to identify candidates for the key informant interviews. Key informants will be purposefully selected to ensure representation from a diverse range of stakeholders, including: (1) Thai government (e.g. Department of Social Development and Welfare, Ministry of Public Health, Ministry of Education; (2) NGOs and CBOs (e.g. Suwannimit Foundation, Committee for Protection and Promotion of Child Rights, International Rescue Committee); and local community leaders or workers who have knowledge and experience of issues related to migrant and displaced children and families from Myanmar (e.g. religious leaders, community health workers). We will also use “snowball sampling” to expand our key informant sample – i.e. asking key informants to suggest other suitable individuals to interview. Participant recruitment and informed consent procedures 1. Parent/caregiver and adolescent focus group participants Recruitment of the parent and adolescent participants will be led by local partners Mae Tao Clinic and Help Without Frontiers. Both organizations work closely with teachers, outreach workers, and volunteers who are based in the community and have good knowledge of the families who live there. Mae Tao Clinic and Help Without Frontiers will support these teachers and community outreach workers/volunteers to identify parents/caregivers who meet the inclusion criteria described above and to describe the study to them using a Participant Recruitment Script. The Participant Recruitment Script will briefly describe the purpose of the study, what participation in the study will involve, and the rights of participants. 2. Key informant interview participants Key informant participants will be recruited by the research team and staff at Mae Tao Clinic and Help Without Frontiers. Staff will contact the individual by telephone or email using a Key Informant Recruitment Script to introduce the study. Focus group discussions with parents/caregivers will be conducted by local research assistants who are recruited by Mae Tao Clinic and Help Without Frontiers. All research assistants will take part in a training on research ethics, safeguarding, and qualitative interviewing conducted by experienced members of the research team, under the supervision of the Principal Investigators. Focus groups will be conducted separately with male and female participants in Burmese or Karen. Each focus group will be facilitated by one interviewer and one note taker who will be matched to the gender of the participants where possible. As described in the informed consent process, the focus group discussion will be audio-recorded using a digital voice recorder for the purposes of accurate note-taking only. The audio recording will be permanently deleted immediately after transcription. Key informant interviews Key informant interviews will be conducted by members of the research team and local research assistants in either Thai, Burmese or Karen, depending on the language spoken by the key informant. Key informant interviews may be conducted virtually (e.g. Zoom) or in-person using a semi-structured interview guide. Interviews will be audio-recorded using the Zoom recording function or a digital voice recorder for the purposes of accurate note-taking only and the audio recording will be permanently deleted immediately after transcription. The key informant interviews will take approximately 1 hour.


The Offord Centre for Child Studies

Department of Psychiatry & Behavioural Neurosciences

McMaster University Duke Global Health Institute, Duke University

Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University

Help Without Frontiers Thailand Foundation (HWF)

Mae Tao Clinic (MTC) Sermpanya Foundation

รศ.ดร.นพ.ตะวันชัย จิรประมุขพิทักษ์
The Offord Centre for Child Studies Department of Psychiatry & Behavioural Neurosciences McMaster University Duke Global Health Institute, Duke University, Help Without Frontiers Thailand Foundation (HWF) Mae Tao Clinic (MTC) Sermpanya Foundation